Chirag to kidnap Bondita

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Anirudh revealed himself by his painting. Bondita is surprised as well as happy on knowing it.

Now they are waiting for their results in competition.

Anchor: All the very best to each and everyone who have participated in this grand arts competition. Judges are analysing your scores and soon the winner will be announced. Until then please stay tuned.

Krishank: Sir, it will take atleast 1 hour for the result. Till then why can't we go for an outing?

Bondita: Outing?

Krishank: Hn, i think hereafter we can't come to Shimla. So let's enjoy this day.

Anirudh: Yeah, your idea is also good. My mood is also swinging here and there.

He smirks at Bondita. She smiled.

They was about to leave the hall but two of the girls confronted Anirudh.

Girl 1: Hey, handsome. I was just mesmerised by your painting. And that story was just awesome.

She stretches her hand to handshake with Anirudh. Anirudh too stretched his hand but Bondita gave her a handshake.

Bondita: Actually, our boss do not like to handshake with strangers. That's why I did.

She stares at Anirudh.

Anirudh: Don't worry, I will ask my secretary to send a photo copy of that painting to you.

Girl 2: Only for her? Not for me?

Anirudh: For you too, sweety!

Girl 2: Aww, how sweet you are! I think you must be single. If you have time then can we go for a date?

Bondita: Whaat?

Girl 2: See, I am not that kind of girl to look, wait and proceed. I am so fast and will do what my heart says.

Anirudh: I too will be happy if I date a beautiful girl like you. But what to do? My Rakshasi will not allow me.

He smiled.

Girl 1: Rakshasi? Means you are married?

Anirudh: Not yet but soon.

Girl 2: Uh oh! Who is that lucky girl?

Anirudh: I will announce it soon in media.

He smiled and started to walk from there, Bondita and Krishank followed him.

~In car~

Bondita: Why all girls are flirting with you?

Krishank: What's your problem in it?

Bondita: I am speaking to him not you you.

Krishank: Really? I am also speaking with Bondita not with drama queen!

Bondita: Drama queen? Me?

Krishank: Hn! Then who?

Bondita: Why you always love to fight with me like this?

Krishank: I am bored that's why!

Bondita: Sir, something. Why you are keeping quiet? He is fighting with me.

Anirudh: Shiv ji, save me alone from this.

Krishank and Bondita stares at each other and turns away.

Anirudh: Can you both please tell me where we are going?

Krishank: Sir, we have a hotel 2kms away. Let's have our lunch there. I heard that it is a famous hotel here.

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