Anirudh gets released

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Bondita makes a plan to save Anirudh and Krishank from the jail so she decides to take out Chirag's corpse.

Everyone in the hospital are busy putting off the fire while Arvind is waiting in the back gate to get the corpse from Bondita.

Bondita enters the ICU as naagin and takes Chirag's body in her tails then she fled to back gate.

~In back gate~

Arvind is shocked to see Bondita. It's his first time seeing her as a naagin.

Bondita: Arvind, here you go. Throw his corpse in mid of the forest.

Arvind: Why? Police may find out easily.

Bondita: Everything has a reason, Arvind. Please do what I say we don't have enough time. Before they could off the fire I should go inside the ICU as Chirag.

Arvind: There will no problem na?

Bondita: I dont know but we don't have any other choice than this. Let me face everything because I only started it. You go fast from here as much as possible and throw this corpse in mid of the forest.

Arvind nodded and he went from there. Bondita returned to ICU and takes the bed as Chirag.

After few moments doctors and nurses manages to put off the fire.

Bondita being as Chirag stared to cough.

Everyone are deeply shocked.

Doctor: What is happening here?

Jay: Chirag??

Bondita: Where am I? Why..why am I here? Bapa, where are you?

Jay and doctors are just stunned.

Jay: Hey doctor, you told that my son is dead then how could he talk now?

He pulls his collars.

Doctor: Sir, it's really a miracle. He is dead actually but...

Jay: Shut up!!

He ran and hugged Bondita(Chirag).

Bondita: Bapa, i don't want to stay here anymore please take me away from this place. I want to got to home.

Jay: Hn, sure sure. Heyy, who is there inform all the media that my son is alive and declared that the previous news is fake.

Goons are excited after hearing this. This news spreaded all over the media.

~In Apartment~

Sulochana is peacefully eating pizza by changing the channels. Suddenly she spit down the piece and started to cough after seeing the news.

Sulochana: Ka..ka..kali..kali naagiinnn!!

She screamed. Mini arrives there.

Mini: Why you are shouting like this? What ka..ka.ka? Are you calling for crow?

Sulochana: Hey idiot, look there.

Mini looks at the TV and was super shocked.

Sulochana: How did he came alive?

Mini: What is happening there?

Sulochana: Arey that's what I am asking to you. Infront of our eyes we saw him before few minutes. He was so weak but now how did he became brisk?

Mini nods no.

Sulochana: Is he a ghost?

Mini: Shut up! Come lets go to hospital to know check it.

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