It's party time!

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Bondita is in her room. She is rearranging her hand bag. She dropped all the things on her bed to arrange it.

It is Bondita's bag but only kerchief, comb and purse belongs to her rest of them are Anirudh's office stuffs which he gave her to keep it safely.

She blushed by looking at those.

Her imagination appeared before her.

Imagination: Aii, Bondita! Why you are blushing now?

Bondita: No, I am not.

Imagination: Oh really? Then why your cheeks are red?

Bondita touched her cheeks and blushed again.

Imagination: Look, look. Again you are blushing.

Bondita: Sssh! Get away!

Imagination: Nothing seem good, Bondita. There is something wrong!

Bondita: What is wrong?

By this time she hears Anirudh's footsteps towards her room.

Bondita: Ok, go he is coming.

She becomes normal, Anirudh entered her room.

Anirudh: Bondita, I forgot to say that we have an party to night. It's a business party. One of my friends arranged it. Are you coming or shall I go alone?

Bondita: Ah, I am coming. Why you are asking like this? I am your Personal Assistant only na?

Anirudh: But I thought you are tired and I thought you don't like parties.

Bondita thinks: Yeah, I don't. But if I say no then you will go with that lawyer.

Anirudh: If you are coming then get ready soon.

Bondita nods yes. Anirudh went out.

Anirudh: But first close your doors before you could do anything.

Bondita is confused and locked her doors and gets ready.

Anirudh is ready as usually in navy blue jean and white formal shirt, leaving two buttons opened.

He waits for Bondita to come out. Bondita came out. Anirudh couldn't move his eyes from her.

She is wearing Blue Anarkali. It suited her very well.

Bondita: Shall we go?

Anirudh nods yes and they went to party.

~In Party~

It is happening in a club which made Bondita discomfort.

She looks around. All the girls are in western wear but she is wearing full chudi.

All the girls over there sighted Anirudh. Bondita is holding his hand tightly as she doesn't likes that environment.

Anirudh felt her hand on his wrist.

Anirudh: Why you are coming along with me? Go enjoy the party.

Bondita: No it's fine.

Anirudh: It's not fine. If you wander with me then you will face consequences. So think twice.

Bondita: What consequence? I am your personal assistant only na? Then what?

Anirudh: Then your wish!

He started walking in the club. A business man noticed him and came to him.

Business man: ARC, right?

Anirudh: Yeah, and you?

Business man: I own a company here. I heard a lots of things about you. In this young age you achieved a lot.

Anirudh: There are many things still, to achieve. By the way, pleasure to meet you.

That man looks at Bondita holding his hand.

Business man: Your wife is so beautiful and traditional!!

Bondita: Whaat?

Anirudh smiled silently and took her away from there.

Another woman looks at Anirudh and greeted him.

Woman: My husband has told a lot about you. He is the CEO of Vital groups of company. In this

Anirudh: People call me like that!

He smiled.

Woman: Your wife is beautiful. Actually you are lucky to get a wife like that. See, she is wearing fully covered dress amidst of these girls. God bless you both!

She said and went. Anirudh smiled but hides it.

Bondita: What's wrong with them? Why they are thinking that I am your wife? And you, why you are not denying them?

Anirudh: I told you na not to roam with me. About this only I was telling indirectly but you failed to understand. What can I do? Not only them, everyone who are looking at us will think that only.

Bondita left his hand and stepped away from him.

Chirag is also there only. He saw Anirudh and Bondita and came towards them.

Anirudh is unaware of his presence.

Chirag: Hey, ARC!!

Anirudh's smile reduced. Bondita came near Anirudh again.

Chirag: Wow, I thought you would be planning recklessly to win in this case but you are enjoying the party! Not bad!

Anirudh: This party is party for people like you but this is a business meeting for me.

He smirked.

Chirag: Really? If you are not intersted in party then why you took her with you? Give me her, let me enjoy.

Anirudh was about to raise his hand but Bondita stopped him and nods no.

By this time, Chirag's PA came there.

She is wearing very small skirt and sleeve less crop top.

Anirudh looks at her from top to bottom and then looks at Bondita to tease her. Bondita noticed it.

Chirag: Look at my PA, Meha!

Meha: Oh, baby what you are doing here? Come lets enjoy the party.

Chirag: You go and wait for me with drinks, baby. I'll come.

Meha went from there. Chirag smirked at Bondita.

Chirag: Look, on off time PAs are meant for this only! Only to enjoy!

He said and went from there.

Anirudh scolds him with a bad word, Bondita closed his mouth on hearing it.

Bondita: Sssh! What you are speaking?

Anirudh: Hn, everytime you control me instead of him. Did you heard what he spoke about you?

Bondita: Fighting with him in public place will not bring you the success in Haveli case. Instead all the media presented here will cover you in the front page by putting head lines that "ARC clashed with Politician's son".

Anirudh: But..

Bondita: He is triggering you, calm down!

He smiled at her. They continued to walk around. Anirudh pretends like he is sighting other girls who are dancing in that club.

Bondita: Can I ask you one thing?

Anirudh: Yeah!

Bondita: Why did you looked at me from top to bottom after seeing Chirag's PA?

Anirudh: Only you are in this dress. That's why I saw you like that. All the PAs here are in western wears. But it's ok. Leave it, the man who I want to meet has arrived.

He went from there. Bondita looks around and looks at herself.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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