BonVind enters the Haveli

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Bondita by her master mind solved all the confusions and proved Anirudh and Krishank as innocents. They two got released.

Now Bondita is severely wounded as she rolled down from the cliff.

~In temple~

Bondita: Shukriya Arvind, for everything.

She smiled. Arvind too.

Anirudh: Bondita, come lets go to apartment. Come with me.

He holds her hand. But Bondita leaves it. Anirudh is shocked.

Bondita: I will not come with you.

Anirudh: Bondita, I know you are in rage. I am the reason for it. I am extremely sorry, Bondita. Please don't avoid me. Please.

Bondita: I am not avoiding you sakha babu. Infact I am not angry on you.

Anirudh: Then why you are refusing to come with me?

Bondita: I am comfortable in the temple itself. Here no one can hurt me or harm me or send me out.

Anirudh: Your lips are only apologising me but your heart.

Bondita turns away.

Arvind: Okay Bondita, you don't have to go with him but you can come with me right?

Anirudh suddenly looks at him.

Arvind: Let's go to our haveli. I met the judge and got back our Haveli. It's officialy ours now.

Anirudh: What? But how?

Arvind: I am a barrister and everything is possible for me. I just told him some stories, he believed it and gave back our haveli.

Bondita: Really?

Arvind: Hn, till when you will stay in another's apartment? Come lets go to our haveli.

Anirudh: Another's apartment? How can I become another to Bondita? And that haveli belongs to me.

Arvind: So what? I only retrieved it back.

Anirudh: Without my appearance how did you got the haveli back?

Arvind: Why should I tell you about it?

Anirudh looks on.

Bondita: You really told me a very pleasant news, Arvind. I don't know how to thank you. You helped me a lot.

Arvind smiled. Anirudh gets possessed and irritated.

Krishank: Okay, okay. Now why to fight? Bondita will herself decide. Bondita, tell us your wish. Where you want to go? To apartment or Haveli?

Anirudh and Arvind looks on.

Bondita thinks: I will choose Haveli now. Because then only i can concentrate in saving my mother and can plan with Arvind about it. If I come to apartment then Mini and Sulochana may find my real intentions.

Krishank: Take your time, think twice and then tell your wish.

Bondita: There is nothing to think. I wish to go to Haveli only.

Anirudh is shattered.

Arvind: Khub balo!

Krishank: Unexpected!

Bondita thinks: Sorry Sakha Babu. I will reveal everything to you at once after saving my mother. Now i can't explain you anything.

She worries, Anirudh's eyes filled with tears.

Kalindi: A very good decision Bondita. A woman should consider her self respect than anything. And you did it right.

Anirudh paves the way for Bondita to move on. Bondita and Arvind moves on.

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