Shock for Anidita

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Bondita is in Haveli searching for some clues.

Meanwhile Chirag calls Chandini.

Chandini: Any updates?

Chirag: Look at your WhatsApp. You have a wonderful pic there.

He smirked. Chandini looks it.

Chandini: You did a great job, Chirag. This one pic is enough to tear her mask before ARC.

Chandini: But before, promise me that you will not do anything to Bondita. Because she is my target and only I should harm her.

Chandini: I am not interested in snakes. You handle her. Better keep her engaged with you all the time.

Chirag: Hn, whatever you want to do, do it soon.

Chandini: Yeah!

They cuts the call.

Chandini thinks: Bondita, now let me see how you are going to Takshak Lok! From now on your fate is in my hands. Soon you are going to dance for my beats.

She smirked.

~In Haveli~

Bondita is just exhausted on searching for clues. She goes before Shiv ji idol and prays.

Bondita: Shiv ji, only you can help me now. You made Ichadhari Naagins. You know that we are your true deities. Now, please show me a way. Help me in finding my maa. Please!

She looks around and finds a big portrait of Trilochan hanging attached to the wall.

Bondita: This much big portrait? Every other photos are hanging on wall but why this is attached to wall?

She went near the portrait and looks at it deeply.

Bondita: Kaka sasurji's photo it is. But why is it alone here?

She touches it and was deeply shocked to know that it is not just a portrait.

Bondita: This is moving!

She uses her full force to move that portrait.

Yeah, it's a surprise as well as shocking. There is a path behind Portrait.

Bondita: Underground path? Mysterious! Shall I go in or no? Why this path is hidden behind this portrait? Was this made by Kaka sasurji or some other one? Sakha Babu knew this or not?

She is confused on looking at the path.

Bondita: I should not fear of anything. Let me explore each and everything no matter whether it is danger or safe. I stepped in deep river and now I can't go back.

She steps inside the path, it's so dark. She can't even see anything properly.

Bondita: Where this path will take me? To Takshak lok? But what is the connection between RC Haveli and Takshak Lok? Why this much puzzles in my life?

She proceeded to walk. Finally she gets dashed in a door.

Bondita: Aaah! I think I get dashed on wall. This Underground path lead to a wall. God, I again wasted my time. May be this Underground path is for storing money and Jewells. I only mistook it.

She couldn't see anything properly as it is very dark there.

She was about to go back but was shocked again to see a bright light coming from the back side of the wall.

Bondita: From where this light is coming from? Behind the wall? First of all is it really a wall?

She touches it and recognises it that it was not a wall but a door.

Bondita: Door??

She tries to open the door. On other side Anirudh comes to home for lunch. He is searching for Bondita.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh: Bondita... Bondita... Where are you?

He enters her room. Chandini is sitting on the floor with a scared face. She pretends like murmuring.

Anirudh: Where is Bondita? Why you are sitting on floor?

Chandini: Ani..Anirudh...

She speaks in a shaky voice which made Anirudh confused.

Anirudh: What happened to you? Again your dramas? Where is Bondita?

Chandini: I have to tell you one thing. It's very a shocking news that too about Bondita.

Anirudh: Shut up! Don't ever try to speak about Bondita. At first you tarnished me now you are trying to tarnish Bondita?

Chandini: Anirudh whatever you are seeing is just a fake world. Reality is...

Anirudh: I said stop blabbering.

Chandini: Ok, I will not speak anything. You won't believe me but you will believe the photos right?

Anirudh: What photo?

Chandini shows him the photos of Bondita being a Naagin. Anirudh is starlted.

Chandini: She... She is not a normal human but an Ichadhari Naagin.

Anirudh: This is pakka photo shop. Just build your stories somewhere else.

Chandini: Believe me, Anirudh. She is really an Ichadhari naagin. And she is here just to revenge you.

Anirudh: Whaat?

Chandini: Hn, I found some of the truths about her.

Anirudh is speechless infact he is confused.

Chandini: She only killed your family, she even killed her own maa just to hide the clues. She did everything just to take away all your wealth.

Anirudh: No, this is not possible. You are lying.

Chandini: You heard about that conspiracy right? Some believe that your family was killed by a snake. Now only I understood that the snake is none other than Bondita. She only took away all your properties. And you know what, she knew your real identity before itself that's why she diverted the case on knowing that you will get the Haveli again. Everything is a drama, Anirudh.

Tears roll down from his eyes. Chandini uses this situation and hugs him from back.

Chandini: She is here just to kill you. She revenged all your family members because they accidently killed a snake which was a Ichadhari naag and he is Bondita's love.

She smirked.

Anirudh: I really can't believe anything. She loves me alot. She cannot do like this.

Chandini: All that glitters are not gold, Anirudh. She is doing everything just to kill you. If she pretends like loving you then she will be close to you which is easy for her to revenge.

Anirudh cries.

Chandini thinks: Wah, stupid Anirudh I know your weakness is your family. That's why I used it. Your weakness is my strength!

She smirked.

~In Haveli~

Bondita tried hard and opened that secret door which was behind Trilochan's portrait.

It's a stunning view for her. She is just awestruck!

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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