Bondita kills Chirag

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Chirag is in documents room of ARC company. Bondita found him.

Bondita thinks: Something is devious here. This asur is trying something against Sakha babu. But why Nishant is helping him?

She searches for Nishant here and there but he is not there.

Bondita thinks: I should do something. I don't know what he is searching for.

She reminds of guruji saying that an Ichadhari nagin can take anyone's form.

Bondita: I will take Nishant's form to know the truths.

She chants the mantras and takes the form of Nishant.

Bondita: Chirag, I am coming for you. Your death is reaching you.

She slowly goes behind him and touched his shoulder from back. Chirag jerked.

Chirag: Thank God! Is that you? I thought someone have caught me. Why you scared me?

Bondita: Chirag, what you are doing here?

Chirag: What? Are you memory loss patient?

Bondita: No, no actually you told me that you are going to take Anirudh's cheque book but what you are doing here?

Chirag: Oh, Nishant! What happened to you? I am not here for cheque but to check.

Bondita: Oh!! In mobile I.. I misunderstood it. What you are going to check? 

Chirag: Uh Oh, Nishant what's wrong with you? Why did you forget everything? Ok, i understood your mum is in death bed that's why your concentration is on her.

Bondita thinks: Nishant's mum is in death bed? Shiv ji!!

Chirag: I hope you atleast remeber our deal of 20 Lakhs. I told you that i will give that money for your mum's treatment inturn you told me that you will give the keys of this company. You fulfilled your promise now it's my turn.

Bondita looks on.

Chirag: But before that you should help me in finding that foreign money exchange documents.

Bondita: Why you are searching it? It is very secret document of this company.

Chirag: Hn, I know it. That's why i am asking you.

Bondita thinks: What he is upto? Why he needs that document?

Chirag is busy searching that document and finally found it.

Chirag: Here we have! Yes!!

Bondita: What you are going to do with it?

Chirag: This single paper is enough to ruin ARC's whole career. I will reprint this document fakely. His fame, his pride, his company, his life everything will be ruined.

Bondita is shocked.

Chirag: But Nishant, you dont worry. I will give you job in my company.

He smiled wickedly and was about to move from there.

Bondita: I will not allow this.

Chirag: What??

Bondita: Huh, I mean, this is wrong.

Chirag: Are you out of your sense? What happened to you? You accepted this deal.

Bondita: Hn, i did. But now I am getting back my promise.

Chirag: Heyyy! Think once before you speak. If you get back your promise then who will give you that much money to pay for your mum's operation. She will die then.

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