Asking permission

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Bondita is worried about excursion as she can't go with them.

Jovi: Pranavi, we told you that idea na usse it.

Khushi: Hn!

Bondita stands still.

HOD: Okay, students. School disperse.

Everyone moved on.

Anirudh: Shit, why this college is like this? Don't they have any other place to go?

Arvind: Anyhow da, I am so happy. I think this trip will help me in my research.

Anirudh: Better you marry a snake. It will be more useful then.

Arvind: Anirudh, you are bored of snakes because you don't know anything about them. That's why.

Anirudh: I don't want to know anything. I am not coming to this excursion. Today evening my aunty's family is coming to Gorakhpur. I am going to enjoy party with them.

Arvind: With that boring Sayesha and Tharun?

Anirudh: Hey, they are better than your snakes. Sss..ssss.. boring...

Arvind: Anirudh, I know why you are not coming. Don't cook up some stories.

Anirudh with a lite blush asks what.

Arvind: You are in crush with Sayesha. Right? That's why you are ignoring this excursion to stay with her.

Anirudh blushed widely.

Arvind: Hn, enjoy. Enjoy. But you must come to excursion. Please da. It will be boring without you.

Anirudh: Let me think!😜

They said and went out of college.

Sumathi, as usual, waiting in the corner of that road.

Bondita, Jovi and Khushi goes out together.

Jovi: There your mum is.

Bondita goes near Sumathi.

Sumathi: Shall we go?

Bondita looks at Jovi and Khushi. They signs her to tell about the excursion to Sumathi.

Bondita: Maa...

Sumathi: Hn, beta.

Bondita: Let's go.

She said with a fake smile. Jovi and Khushi stares at her.

Anirudh reaches home with Arvind.

Arvind's parents are in abroad that's why he is staying with Anirudh.

Anirudh throws the bag as like and tries run inside the room.

"How many times you want me to say? Books are like Saraswati and you are throwing it like something else. Idiot, come and pick it up". A bold voice came from behind.

Anirudh: Kaka, you are there only na. Then you take it and keep it somewhere.

Trilochan: Now a days, this generation don't know the important of studies. That's why they are like this.

He takes Anirudh's bag and keeps it on the sofa.

Bihari: Ji, have this tea.

Trilochan: For whom these two cups are?

Bihari: One is for Arvind another one is for Anirudh.

Trilochan: Give to Arvind only. Let Anirudh come here and take it by himself.

Anirudh: Bihaaariii, bring tea to my room.

Trilochan: Kyun Beta, your legs and hands are broken? Can't you come here and have it by yourself?

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