Bondita's idea!

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Chirag produced fake papers in court which made Judge to give them stay order and asked Anirudh to prove its fakeness within 2 days.

Anirudh walked out furiously. He is in deep rage.

Bondita followed him. While Chandini is discussing with Judge.

He hits his car door harshly.

Bondita: Sir, please calm down!

Anirudh: Bondita, I can't lose this case. How dare he is? He is doing everything purposefully.

Bondita is confused. Chirag came there.

Chirag: What happened Mr.King of share markets? Why you are showing your angry in this non living thing? Haha, you could do that only.

Anirudh: Shut up!

Chirag looks at Bondita and smirked.

Chirag: Who is she? Your new set up?

Anirudh gets angry and raised his hands to slap him but Bondita stopped him.

Bondita: Sir, we are in court. Please, don't do anything wrong.

Chirag: Arey Wah! King of share markets getting calm down by a girl? Better go play with Girls, ARC. That too in bed!

Anirudh is deeply raged but Bondita is controlling him as it is court.

Bondita: Mind your words Mr.Chirag. Don't dare to speak about him.

Anirudh is stunned to look Bondita supporting for him.

Chirag: Wow, what did he showed you? You are speaking very nicely in favour of him.

Bondita slapped him. Anirudh is shocked.

Bondita: How dare you to speak like this? Go and ask this same question to your mum or sister.

Chirag: How dare you?

He raised his hand upon Bondita but she stopped it.

Bondita: If you touch me then you will face the fire of hell. Don't stand before me just get lost.

Chirag: After all you are a P.A but speaking boldly that too infront of me? You even slapped me. Do you know who is Chirag Mehrotra?

Bondita: Cut the "Mehrotra"  from your name and ask me the same question. Then my answer will be "You are nothing". What did you said? He should go play with girls? Better you do it. Because you are only roaming freely here and there in your bapa's money. Not like ARC who is busy only in his works. As you told, he is the king of share markets and he will be!

For the first time she uttered his name. Anirudh is stunned.

Bondita warned Chirag and took Anirudh with him to the car.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh recalls Chirag's words on Bondita and gets furious again and again.

He breaks all the things in his room. By hearing the sound, Bondita is afraid and rushed to his room.

Anirudh broke the lamp which is nearby and hurted himself. He started to bleed.

Bondita: Sir!!!

She rushed in and tries to stop him.

Anirudh: Leave me, Bondita.

Bondita: Stop it then.

Anirudh: You don't know about my anger level. Please stay away.

He breaks the music box near by.

Bondita: Please, stop it.

He was about to throw an art piece down which is his favourite. He is unaware of what he is doing.

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