Still love on her?

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Bondita gave her resume to Krishank and went from there with a hope that she would get that job. Because it's very important for her to make money to pay her debts and rents.

However, Krishank threw it dustbin.

Anirudh came out of the room and throws his coffee cup in the dustbin.

The small amount of coffee which is left in it splashed on Bondita's photo which was in that resume.

Nishant: Sir, everything is clear now. I have sent all the candidates out. You can go out now.

Anirudh: Who created so much noise here?

Krishank: Sir, actually it was a girl. She started to question us about incomplete interview.

Nishant: She also started to say her sympathy stories to meet you. But you don't worry sir, we threw her resume in dustbin. Before interview itself she is questioning us then think what and all she will do after getting this job.

Anirudh: What is her name?

Krishank: We didn't asked it, actually.

Anirudh went back to dustbin and looked inside.

He is stunned, shattered and shocked.

Nishant: That is her resume, Sir.

Anirudh without thinking took her resume from the dustbin. He wiped the coffee stain from her photo by his white coat.

Nishant and Krishank are stunned.

Anirudh wiped all the coffee stain by rubbing it on his white coat itself. He is highly shocked.

Nishant: Sir!!

Anirudh looked for her address but it was erased due to coffee stain.

Anirudh: Find this girl's address immediately.

Krishank: Tomorrow she will come here again for interview sir.

Anirudh looks at him.

Nishant: Yes, sir. We told her to come tomorrow.

Anirudh removed her photo from the resume and kept it on his palm.

Krishank: Sir, if you don't mind can I ask you one thing.

Anirudh nods yes.

Krishank: Do you know her before? Why am I asking this because you spoilt your white coat to wipe the stain from her photo. That's why.

Anirudh kept quite.

Krishank: If you don't want to say then please don't.

Anirudh: She came to attend our company's interview. Our company has some rules and regulations. You have thrown this in dustbin before even her interview. If she comes to know about this then what would he think about our company? Without employees can you run the company, Mr. Krishank?

Krishank nods no with guilty face.

Anirudh: Don't waste my time. Send my business schedule to mail. Lock the company and give the keys to my driver.

Krishank: Yes, sir.

Anirudh went from there with rage.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh: Bondita is still alive? But why everyone is saying that she killed herself? If Bondita is really dead then whose resume is this? Who is using her photo?

He kept on looking at her photo by holding it on his soft palm.

Anirudh: If she is alive then for sure she knew everything. Only she could clear my doubts. Only she could tell correct information about my family. But....

AniDita - Revenging LoveWhere stories live. Discover now