Bondita gets promotion

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It's a new fresh morning for both Anirudh and Bondita.

Bondita is happy because she got her job. Anirudh is happy because he got his Bondita back.

With much enthusiasm Anirudh gets ready to his office.

He wears a formal white shirt and jean.

On other hand Bondita is ready in her Yellow chudidar.

Today all the employees are presented there before his arrival and he is surprised to watch them earlier.

Anirudh: Good! Very good! Everyone are presented here earlier.  This is what I wanted. Continue your works now.

He walked towards his cabin. On the way he looked at Bondita's seat. It is empty.

~In Cabin~

Nishant: Sir, our share market has raised by 50% yesterday. Whole of the town is talking about our company.

Krishank: Yes, sir. Other business man are wondering that how could this be possible within one day of inauguration.

Anirudh: If we are dedicated towards are work then everything is possible. Don't take this appreciations to your heads then it will decrease your speed to the victory path.

Krishank: Sure Sir. I have scheduled your meetings today. Actually we have 3 meetings. 1 is with lawyer. 2 is with diamond merchant and 3 is with our employees.

Krishank continued telling about his schedules by this time Bondita enters the office hurriedly.

Anirudh's sight went towards her.

Krishank: And Sir, at 10 a.m. ....

Anirudh: Am I human or robot to hear everything at once? Send me the schedules to my official mail.

Krishank: Sure, sir.

Anirudh: Now go continue your works. I'll call you in need.

They both went out. Anirudh sat on his chair and started to look at documents.

~Outside the cabin~

Bondita is blinking like an innocent child as she don't know her works.

Bondita: Everyone is working in their computer. But I am simply sitting. Everyone has a document in their hands. Then where is mine?

She searched in her draw but her draw is empty.

Bondita: Nothing is here. Now what should I do? Ok, let me ask to boss.

She stood up and went to cabin.

~In cabin~

Bondita: May I come in, Sir?

Anirudh's eyesight went her side, he nods yes as a sign of asking her to come in.

He is busy in a document so he didn't spoke anything to Bondita. His sight was also in documents.

Bondita is hesitated to ask him about her work. So she stands simply.

Bondita thinks: What if he scolds me? Everyone are saying that he is very strict and rude. Now how will I speak to him? What if he comes to know that I don't know anything about the stats and data? 

Anirudh: Did you came in to simply stand and watch me? You could have did this from sitting in your chair itself know, Ms.Bondita!

Bondita: No, no. I am not... Actually Sir, everyone is doing their work.

Anirudh: What a discovery!! For doing that only they are here.

He closed his document and looks at Bondita. He could understand that something is troubling her.

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