Learning Flash Back!

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For the last two days, Bondita is not feeling well so she decided to go inside the Haveli to recall her memories and to be happy atleast for few moments.

Chirag is following her.

She reached Haveli and gets inside it via back door.

Chirag: Who opened this seal? Now why she is getting inside it?

He too followed her. It is dark inside as no windows are opened.

Chirag always had an eye on Bondita, now Bondita is trapped alone.

Chirag: Wow, this dark haveli is making me lose my senses.

He slowly approached Bondita from back. She is unaware of it.

Bondita is looking at the photos which are hanging on the wall. He hugged her from back.

Bondita is shocked.

Chirag: What a beautiful body!!

Bondita is afraid and screamed.

Chirag: Oh baby, come on. No one will hear you here. We are in backside of the haveli and that watchman is front side that too outside the gates.

Bondita: Leave me, leave me Chirag. I will kill you or else.

She tries to get free from him but he tightened his grip.

Bondita turned towards him and slapped him. Which made Chirag more angry.

Chirag: You diverted the case and now you slapped me. This is the second time you slapped me. If you can touch me for a slap then why not for pleasures?

He took away her shawl and threw it aside. Bondita is helpless but tries hard to escape from him.

Bondita: Don't come near me, I will kill you Chirag.

Chirag looked at her from top to bottom.

Chirag: Come on, I know daily you enjoy with ARC. Today you do it with me.

He pulled her towards him and tries to misbehave with her.

Bondita pushed him back and runs outside the Haveli.

Chirag: Where ever you go I will not leave you today.

He followed her, she runs into the forest to get rid off from him. He followed her continuosly.

Bondita: Shiv ji, Please save me from this asur. Please, save me!

She runs deep into the forest Unfortunately she got slipped and fell down. She is wounded.

Chirag: I told you na, you cannot escape from me.

She tries to wake up but couldn't. Chirag approached her. Bondita tries to call Anirudh but no network as they are in deep forest.

On other side Anirudh feels somewhat strange and looks at Bondita's seat via blind roller. It is empty.

Anirudh looks at the time.

Anirudh: Which auto is taking this much time to reach the office?

He calls Bondita but it's not reachable.

Anirudh: Not reachable?

He called to Chandini and enquired about Bondita.

Chandini: How do I know? Ah, I mean, she already left the court.

Anirudh is shocked. He cancelled all his meetings and gets into his car to search Bondita.

~In Forest~

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