Guess who is back!

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Bondita and Kalindi are in police station to give Anirudh's belongings by this goons started to arrive there.

Bullet sounds here and there.

Krishank: Oh no, they came back i think so. But this time with guns and weapons.

Goons: Come out Mr. ARC. Come out if you are really a man. Fight with us. You ruined our chota Malik's life. Now we will do the same with you.

They started to enter the police station. Constables tries to keep them away. But they are very fierce.

Kalindi: What will we do now? Inspector saab is also not here. I don't think so constables can handle them.

Anirudh: Maa, please go out from here. Use the back gate. Please, before they enter you both please go from here maa.

Bondita: No, how can I leave you here alone? They have guns and weapons. They may harm you.

Anirudh: Stop being stubborn, Bondita. Just go out. Maa, take her out.

Kalindi: Hn, Bondita. He is right, come with me. The goons are really devious. They may go any extend. Come with me, Bondita.

She holds Bondita's hand and tries to drag her.

Bondita: Nahi saasu ma, leave me. I will not come with you. Whatever happen let it happen to me also.

She tries to get freed from her but Kalindi drags her forcibly.

Anirudh and Krishank are looking at the entry gates, goons may enter inside at any time.

Krishank: Sir, they are here just for you. So please hide inside. I'll tell them that you are not here.

Anirudh: Then they will leave you?

Krishank: No matter what happens to me. You hide behind this wall, stick to the wall. I'll try my best to keep them away.

Anirudh: Nahi, Krishank. I already lost my best friend now I don't want to lose you. You have been my guardian in many ways. I can't do this to you. Goons are here just to attack me. You don't interfere.

Krishank: But sir...

Anirudh: This is an order from your boss!

Krishank keeps quite. Goons entered inside after attacking constables.

Goons: Heyy, ARC! In which cell are you? Come out. People call you king right? Then why you are hiding somewhere like a pawn? Come out, ARC.

Anirudh opens his prison but Krishank stops him.

~Outside police station~

Kalindi and Bondita came out using back gates.

Bondita: What you are doing sasu maa? Your son is in danger but you are not worrying about it. Why you dragged me out? Goons have entered the station now. Who will protect sakha babu and Krishank now? Why you are doing like this?

Kalindi: Hn, so? Can you fight the goons and save him? You know only to argue with Anirudh. You know only to create problems like now you created one.

She stares at her. Bondita worries.

Kalindi: You stay here and keep quite for some time for god's sake! I will save them.

She collects the wooden log near by and decides to fight with goons.

Bondita thinks: There are many goons. Sasu maa cannot do anything with this wooden log.

Kalindi is walking towards police station.

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