Chirag's mischievous plans

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Anirudh is angry on Bondita as went missing just to eat jhal muri. However , we know the real reason.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh goes to his room furiously without responding to anyone.

Krishank: What is this Bondita? Why you did like this? Atleast you would have informed me.

Bondita: You don't know anything Krishank. I am in the situation of explaining anything.

She worries.

Krishank: Is something worrying you?

Bondita looks on.

Krishank: Whatever it is, share with me. If I can I may help you.

Bondita: Thank you for your concerned words. I will reach you for sure if I need any help. But that doesn't mean I will forget your teases on me.

She laughed, he too.

Krishank: Okay, it's already late. I am leaving now. Bye!

Bondita nodded yes. Krishank left, her smile reduced.

Kalindi comes there.

Bondita: Sasu maa!

She went and hugged her.

Kalindi: What happened to you? Where you went?

Bondita: It's really tough to be a naagin.

She cries.

Kalindi: Bondita..

She takes her to the room and enquires her.

Bondita: Please take me to Takshak lok now itself. I want to free my mum after that I will give up my powers. I don't want to be as naagin.

She cries.

Kalindi: Bondita, look. I already told you there may be many hurdles in your journey, on seeing those you should not quit. Now tell me, what made you to speak like this?

Bondita explains everything.

Kalindi: Ok, don't worry. I am here na. I found onething. Only Saudamini's voice can open the doors of Takshak lok. So you should record her voice somehow.

Bondita: It's very easy, sasu ma. Now itself I will do it.

Kalindi: Wait, not her human voice. You should record her serpent sound.

Bondita: But how? She do not know that I knew her truths.

Kalindi: Plan something and record her serpent voice. Then our half of the mission will be ended.

Bondita thinks on.

~Next day~

Anirudh goes to Sulochana's room to check her wellness.

Anirudh: Aunty, how do you feel now?

Sulochana: Yes, it's fine now. But there is still headache in me.

Anirudh: Hn, come down and have breakfast. I am going to office now.

Sulochana: Theek hain, beta.

Anirudh walks out Bondita comes infront of him.

Bondita: Sakha Babu, this much earlier you are going to office?

Anirudh didn't respond her, he walks out.

Bondita thinks: You are still angry on me, right? How will I make you understand about my situation?

She worries.

Mini and Sulochana comes down to breakfast.

Sulochana whispered: This girl? Kali nagin, I will not eat the food which she have prepared.

Mini: I will not allow you to eat it. Already I went through a lot yesterday night because of you.

Bondita looks at them.

Sulochana: She is looking at us, god!

Mini: Not us, she is looking at you only.

Bondita: Kaki maa, come lets have breakfast. I have made special luchis and kurma.

Sulochana: No, huh I mean I will not eat today.

Bondita: Why?

Sulochana: Fasting..

She gave a fake smile.

Bondita: Oh, then I chandini you atleast sit and eat.

Sulochana: Hn hn she will eat because naagin cannot harm naagin.

Mini stares at her.

Bondita: Still now you are calling us as naagin, why?

Sulochana: I don't know, Bondita. I am really obsessed with Naagin I think so.

Bondita whispered: Because you are now trapped in naag dosh that's why.

Sulochana: What did you said?

Bondita: Nothing, we are not naagin. Just humans.

She smiled. Sulochana also gave a fake smile.

~In office~

Anirudh is in meeting, Chirag enters the office.

Anirudh sees him via CCTV and alerts Krishank.

When Chirag was about to enter his cabin Krishank stopped him.

Krishank: Even employees of this office ask permission to enter his cabin but you, you are going as like it's your cabin.

Chirag: I am going to be your boss's business partner soon. Is this the way you treat your investors?

Krishank: What?

Chirag: I want to meet ARC.

Krishank: He is not wandering here and there like you. He is busy.

Chirag: Yeah, I know. But I want to give him something.

Krishank: Give it to me, I'll give to ARC.

Chirag: No, no. Ok leave it aside, where is his another secratary? His name was something... Hn, Nishant! Where is he?

Krishank: It's none of your business. Just give me the thing and leave.

Chirag: No, no. Mmm, fine. I'll give it to you itself. I thought it should be private but that's fine. No problem.

Krishank: Stop blabbering and give it to me.

Chirag hands over Bondita's bangle to him, Krishank is confused.

Chirag: This is Bondita's bangle. She came to my house yesterday night. There itself she left this. So please hand over this to her.

Krishank is shocked.

Chirag: Yesterday night was just... Uh.. okay, okay. You give this to her or give this to ARC.

Krishank goes to cabin with deep shock.

Chirag thinks: My first plan executed very well. Now it's time for my second plan.

He smirked.

Krishank waited until Anirudh's meeting over.

~In cabin~

Anirudh: Krishank, what about that Sivi company's shares? They didn't paid us yet. And that meeting with the foreign client, ask him to meet me tonight.

Krishank: Sir!!

Anirudh: Yeah, hn, what does that Chirag wanted from us? Did he went?

Krishank shows Bondita's bangle and informs him the matter told by Chirag.

Anirudh is shocked.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

*I am not feeling well since yesterday that's why I couldn't upload regularly.*

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