Mini's devious plan

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Mini and Sulochana rushed to Mahishmathi mountain.

The Avantika is waiting for them happily.

~In Mahishmathi~

Avantika comes out of the trap that was made by Sumati but broken by Bondita. She took a deep breathe.

Avantika: Ahh! After 20 years I am in taking the fresh air.

She looks around the city as the whole view clearly visible from her mountain.

Avantika: I think many things have changed in Korakpur. Let it be, changes are needed. But now, Nagmani is needed. Where are those two brainless creatures?

By this time, Mini dashed her car in the mountain.  Avantika is shocked to hear car crashing sound.

Avantika: Who's there? What's happening down?

Her servants went and checked the car. They brought Sulochana and Mini to the top of the mountain.

Servant 1: Rani ji, we found these two women down. They met with an accident.

Avantika is shocked to see them.

Avantika thinks: What happened to them?

Servant: What I have to do now Rani ji?

Avantika: You all go out. I'll take care of these two.

Her servants went out. Avantika sprayed some water on their faces.

Mini and Sulochana woke up.

Avantika: What is this? Why you were so lethargic while driving car? I thought you will be waiting for my arrival but I only waited here. Why late?

Sulochana: Heyyy! Shut up! Do you know what had happened? Ahhh, my head. It hurts!

Mini: Avantika, Sumati and her daughter are alive.

Avantika: What?

Mini: Can't you hear at once?

Avantika: No, it's not possible. Sumati is dead when she was pregnant. We only killed her. Then how could she be alive? Don't blabber something.

Mini: I am saying the truth. She is alive and she is in Korakpur only. She too had saw me.

Avantika is confused as well as shocked.

Sulochana: That's why I told you not to throw her from the mountain. I told you to burn her body. Now see, she is alive.

Mini: Hey budhu, don't pour oil in burning fire. Already we are in trouble. Now how will we take the nagmani?

Avantika: I think you both are worrying unwantedly. Sumati is alive,let her be. What she can do with us now? She had given birth, she has lost her powers. She is no more a nagin.

Mini: She is not a nagin but her daughter? Think about it. Have you forgot about those days? How mercilessly we killed her family! She will revenge us using her daughter.

Sulochana: Hn, Kali nagin is correct.

Avantika: Nothing will happen like that. According to her we are dead. We should not worry about her anymore. For now our only aim is to take the nagmani as soon as possible.

Sulochana: You are also correct! But kali naagin is also correct. Both are correct. Correct, correct. Now what will we do?

Mini: Eat your sugar tablet!

Sulochana: What?

Mini: You fainted two times since morning. I think your sugar level is high.

Sulochana: Aww! You are really sweet. Let me go home and take the tablets.

Mini: Hn, and stay there itself don't come with us.

Sulochana's smile reduced.

Mini: I am going to kill Sumati and her daughter again. I don't want anything to happen again.

She was about to go but Avantika stopped her.

Avantika: Wait, leave Sumati. Kill her daughter.

Mini: I am not going to leave anyone. I will kill both of them. Then only we will be safe.

Avantika: Hey idiot nagin, listen to me. Think once, if Sumati is alive then for sure she only knew the way to Nagmani. We want her. But her daughter is of no use. But that too upto her 25th age. We don't know whether her daughter will become nagin or not. So without taking any risk kill her daughter. Leave Sumati. We need her for our work.

Mini thinks on.

Sulochana: Hn, yes. Sumati might know the real place of where nagmani is.

Mini: Fine then, i will kill her daughter. That too today itself.

She went away from Mahishmathi.

Avantika: Why you are keeping this creature with you? See how nonsense she is. I think she is going to spoil our nagmani plan.

Sulochana: You must have told all these things before she left.

Avantika stares at her.

On other hand Sumati is speaking with Chandrachur about everything that had happened.

Sumati: Chandra, I am really scared. I don't know what to do. Today myself sent my daughter to help those culprits. Today my daughter broke my own mantra without knowing anything. I am such a sadist!

She cries.

Chandra: Masi, don't cry. Whatever happened was happened we cannot change anything. Now what we can do is to make Bondita get married very soon. We should stop her from becoming nagin. If she is not a nagin then Saudamini and Sulochana will not harm her.

Sumati: I spoke to groom's mom. I hope she should take a good decision.

Chandra: I will speak to her once.

By the time, their phone rings. Chandra attends it.

Menaka(Arvind's mom): Helo, Sumati ji?

Chandra: Hn ji, I am Chandrachur.

Menaka: Oh! I myself spoke to Arvind's Kaka. He asked you all to come to their haveli soon to speak about marriage. Ok, I have lots of work. Bye!

She cuts the call.

Chandra: Idiot!

Sumati: What happened?

Chandra: Let's go to Groom's house. They are inviting us to speak about marriage.

Sumati: Thank shiv ji. Chandra, come we shall go now itself. Come on.

Chandra: Wait, Masi. We can't proceed as it is. We should look for good day to meet them.

Sumati: I know but we don't have time. We should go there soon and we should ask them to fix the marriage within next month.

Chandra: Theek hain!

Sumati: Where is Bondita? Ask her to get ready.

Chandra thinks: Masi, you are in hurry. I think something is going to be wrong. Shiv ji, please safe guard our family.

Sumati asks Bondita to get ready.

Bondita: Where we are going maa?

Sumati: To groom's house. To speak about your shadi.

Bondita: But yesterday only they came for bridal visit. Why so quick?

Sumati: Everything is for your goodness only. We should not make them wait, come on. Get ready soon.

Bondita: Maa, did you told them something?

Sumati is stuck.

Bondita: Tell me maa, did you asked them to fix the date soon?

Sumati nods no.

Bondita: Sure?

Sumati: Hn, sure. Now why you are doubting on your mum? Go get ready.

She sends Bondita inside the room. Bondita is confused.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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