Bondita in conundrum

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After a big storm there will be a heaven silence!

Same way, Anirudh is sleeping peacefully in his study room amidst of all the broken things.

While Trilochan and Arvind are waiting for him outside the room.

Sulochana and Mini comes there and looks at them.

Arvind is scared of looking at Mini.

Sulochana: Dada, come eat something. You are weak.

Trilochan: I don't know what my son doing inside. How can I eat now?

Mini: Only you are concerned about your son. In return you are getting ashamed in front of other due to his act.

Arvind is staring at Mini.

Sulochana: Look at the groom. He is very upset. On his special day, his friend went mad.

Arvind: I itself didn't worried about it, aunty. No one ruined anything. It's normal here always.

Sulochana: You don't know dear, all the guests were talking among themselves about Anirudh very badly. We only handled them.

Arvind: Really? But I saw Bondita only begging with the guests to understand the situation. I didn't even see you in the crowd. And Bihari said you both were in buffet.

Sulochana thinks: How did he found it?

Mini: Both the friends are same in some way. Both don't know how to speak respectfully to elders.

Arvind: I have lots of respect for humans not for animals.

Mini is shocked.

Sulochana: Animal? Me?

Arvind: Aunty, I am giving you respect right? Then how could you be animal?

Sulochana: Hn, correct only. I am not animal. No one here is animal. Hn na, kali

Mini stared at her.

Arvind: What is Kali na mini?

Sulochana: Kali na mini? Haha, what does it mean?

Arvind looks on.

Sulochana: Sorry, beta. In this confusion I forgot to look after my children. Let me go and check where are they. You take care of my pyari dada.

They went away. Arvind stares at Mini all her way to the room.

~In Sulochana room~

Sulochana: Thank God, we escaped. Or else he would have found us.

Mini: I think he already found us.

Sulochana: How?

Mini: Didn't you listen? He addressed me as an Animal.

Sulochana: Arey chup! It's not  purposeful. I think he casually said it. You yourself don't go and fell in his pit.

Mini thinks on.

Sulochana: Kali naagin, what do you think about Anirudh's recent behaviour?

Mini: Sulochana, I have lots of work to think about. I don't have any profits in thinking about that mad.

Sulochana: Who said there is no profit? He is the main profit! Whole of the properties of Roy Chaudharys is in his name only.

Mini: So what?

Sulochana: So what? I am going to ask Anirudh's hand in marriage for my daughter. Then his properties will become our wealth.

Mini: Covet all lose all! Budhu aurat, either think about Nagmani or his property. Not on both. It will spoil your life.

Sulochana: Ahan? After getting Nagmani you will go to your Takshak log. Where will I go? The profit from my share would not even last for 3 years.

Mini nodded no and went out of the room.

~In Bondita's house~

Bondita is sitting in her bed. Lots of questions are arising in her mind.

One side she is angry on Anirudh, other side her heart is concerning about his condition.

She started to remove all her jewellery by scolding Anirudh.

Bondita: Whoever he may be, whatever his past may be, I don't care. He is like necklace. It will look beautiful on girls, but those who is wearing it only know that it is tightening her neck.

She removed her necklace.

Bondita: He only cares about him. He is a torturer like ear ring. Ear rings are the most important Jewell in girls life. But only they know how torture the ear rings are. It won't let us sleep peacefully. Sometimes they tear our ears too.

She removed her ear rings.

Bondita: He is a Maang tikka. Only those who wear it know that it gives head ache. Like he is giving head ache to his whole family.

She removed her Maang tikka.

Bondita: He is like bangles. For those who are looking at it, it appears beautiful and it will attract all the girls towards it. But only after wearing it girls know that bangles are handcuffs. Yes, he is a handcuff.

She removed her bangles. Now only her dress is left.

Bondita: Dress is very important to girls. It is a protector for them. It hides her from evils. So I won't compare that kadus with dress.

She sat angrily on the bed. But as soon, she recalls the days when Anirudh protected her.

Bondita: Thank God, that girl rejected him. Wait!!! Arvind ji, was about to tell her name! It was something Bo... Bo? Is there any girl whose name is "Bo"? What name is this?

She laughed to herself.

~In Haveli~

Anirudh woke up and came out of the room. He noticed Arvind and Trilochan sitting outside the door.

He looked at him weirdly but they both looked at him in rage.

Anirudh: What happened to you both? Why you are sitting here instead of sitting in your bed?

Arvind stares at him.

Trilochan: Anirudh, are you okay?

Anirudh: Hn, what happened to me? I am fine only!

Arvind looked at the room. It is totally nasty.

Anirudh turned back and looked at his room.

Anirudh: Oh my god! Who did this? Why my study room is like dustbin?

Arvind: Didn't you remember anything?

Anirudh nods no.

Arvind: Atleast do you remember my engagement today?

Anirudh thinks on.

Arvind: Are you drunk?

Anirudh nods yes but says no.

Arvind: That's why you forgot everything. First of all tell me from where you are getting drinks? Who is buying it for you?

Anirudh: Leave it! Congratulations, my dear friend for your engagement. You are going to become Bapa!

Trilochan looks at him weirdly.

Arvind: Pagal! I am not going to become Bapa.

Anirudh: Now husband then Bapa only right?

Arvind: Till you are with me it won't happen in my life. Kaka, I am pleading you. Please arrange a marriage for him. So that he won't do like this anymore.

Trilochan: Anirudh, tell me. Tell me now, who is your love? For whom you are doing like this? No matter where she is, who she is. I'll bring her for you.

Anirudh looks at Arvind.

Arvind: Asking na, say it then.

Anirudh nodded no and went out.

Trilochan asked Bihari to clean that room.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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