Bondita to become a model?

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Anirudh and Bondita happily played in snow.

Anirudh: Bondita, it's getting late. Come lets go.

Bondita: Ok!

They got into the car and continued their trip.

Bondita's dress is drenched due to snow.

Bondita: Ufff!! It's very chill!

Anirudh: That's why I told you not to play in snow. Now see, wait let me give you a blanket.

He stopped the car and took a blanket from his luggage and gave it to her.

Bondita: Don't you want a blanket? Aren't you chilled?

Anirudh: I am like a volcano, this small snow can't affect me.

He sneezed at once after saying it. Bondita laughed.

After few hours they reached Pune.

Anirudh: Bondita, call Krishank and ask him where is our hotel.

Bondita: You are not staying in your friend's house?

Anirudh: Who is that?

Bondita: That girl, whom you called as honey soney!

Anirudh: If you want then tell me let's go there.

Bondita: No, no. No need!

Anirudh smiled. Bondita called Krishank and asked about their hotel details.

Bondita: Whaat? But Krishank, how can we stay in a same room?

Krishank: Actually Bondita, lots of business man and artists across the country came to Pune for that competition. That's why all the rooms are filled.

Bondita: Why didn't you book it earlier?

Krishank: What will I do now? Sir, told me yesterday only.

Bondita worried and cuts the call.

Anirudh: What happened?

Bondita: He booked only one room itseem.

Anirudh: So what?

Bondita: So what means? How will we stay in same room?

Anirudh: What's wrong in it? Hotels will be busy for this two days.

Bondita: But...

Anirudh: If you want to stay alone then stay in that room.

Bondita: Then where will you go?

Anirudh: To Hansi's house.

Bondita: Whaat? No, no. You should not, huh, I mean, every business man will be with their PAs only. So you too stay with me itself.

Anirudh: But Bondita, how can we stay in same room?

Bondita: Why can't we? Where there is a will there is a way, don't you know this proverb?

Anirudh nods no and drives the car to the hotel.

It's 5 star hotel and it is Bondita's first time to stay in luxurious hotel.

She looks around.

Bondita: This big hotel? I have never seen it.

Anirudh: Today you saw it na? Here food will be very nice. I've ate several times here.

Bondita: Really? What kind of food will they provide here?

Anirudh: Chinese, Italian, Indian, Burmese and many other countries food.

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