Enroll in competition!

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Anirudh and Bondita are in office.

Bondita's dress was torn as it was tight and Anirudh covered it with his coat. 

~In Cabin~

Anirudh thinks: Haveli's papers are in basement of the Haveli. I have to take those papers but it's in Kaka's name. If court ask me about it then I will have to expose who am I. What will Bondita think of me after knowing the truth. I was not even in that tragedy time for sure she would think wrong of me which may lead her to get seperate from me. Oh god, now what will I do?

Chandini enters his cabin.

Chandini: ARC, you was right. Those papers from Chirag are dummies only. He cheated the court.

Anirudh: I knew it already, any other info?

Chandini: Only one day is more to prove. What will we do?

Anirudh: You are the lawyer right?

Chandini: Yeah, but.. ok, now say without any reason why you are this much stubborn to buy that Haveli? You have crores you can build many mansions but still you are longing for that Haveli, why?

Anirudh remains silent.

Chandini: Is there anything? If so, then tell it to me. I will help you. Because you should not hide any truth from doctors and lawyers.

Anirudh: Chandini, what if that haveli has a backstory which is connected to me?

Chandini: Whaat?

Anirudh: What if I am the real owner of that Haveli?

Chandini: Excuse me, will you explain me properly?

Anirudh takes a deep breathe. But by this time Bondita came in.

Bondita: Sir, MNG company's CEO wants an appointment to meet you it seem, what shall I tell him?

Anirudh: Hn, Bondita give him the appointment at 4 p.m.

Bondita: But at 4 p.m. you have another work to do. You told me that you and Krishank are going to enroll our company in an art exhibition.

Anirudh: Oh, yeah! Then ask that CEO to come tomorrow.

Bondita: Sure, sir.

She said and went outside.

Chandini: You was telling about that haveli!

Anirudh: Hn, but now I don't have time. I should go get ready my arts to enroll in art exhibition. If time comes, then everyone will come to know the truth.

He said and came out of his cabin.

Chandini is confused and she grows doubts on him.

~After some minutes~

Anirudh and Krishank are making ready their arts to enroll in an Asia's biggest art competition.

Anirudh: Krishank, look at this statue. This is an ancient one, I got this in an auction.

Krishank: Sir, I heard that other companies are also going to submit statues only. So why can't we do something different?

Anirudh: Oh, I see!

He thinks on. Then only he remembered about Bondita's bangle.

Anirudh: Go call Bondita!

Krishank: Yes, sir.

He went and called Bondita.

Bondita: Sir, did you called me?

Anirudh: Hn, Bondita. Give me that bangle.

Bondita: Wh... Why sir?

Anirudh: I told you na that I bought it for my Art exhibition.

Bondita removes it from her hand with upset face and gave it to him.

Anirudh: Krishank, here we have. Enroll the competition by sending this bangle. Rest of the things we can arrange later. First we should get selected for this competition. Let's see whether this bangle helps us or not.

Krishank thinks: We have lots of Arts here which are too costly but why he is using this bangle?

Anirudh: Sometime, small things can take us to hights. So without thinking to much enroll in competition using this.

Krishank gave a smile and went away.

Anirudh: Hn Bondita, thank you for keeping that bangle safely. You can go and continue your works.

He smiled. Bondita gave a fake smile and went away.

Soon their office time came to an end. Employees left the place. Anirudh, Bondita and Chandini are ready to move from there.

Bondita is upset because her bangle got seperated from her again.

~On the way~

Chandini: ARC, today I have party in my friend's house. So drop me there, tonight I will stay there itself.

Bondita thinks: Very happy!!

Anirudh: Oh, really? Then let me also come to the party.

Bondita stares at him. Anirudh notices it.

Chandini: Yeah, if you come then I will also be happy but what to do its a girls party. So no men are allowed.

Anirudh: Oh, no!

Chandini: Don't worry, for sure I will take you to another party.

Anirudh: I will be waiting.

Bondita thinks: Here itself he have lots of works but he is concentrated in parties. Stupid! After her arrival only he became like this. Always, chandini, chandini, chandini...

They reached apartment after some minutes, Anirudh left Chandini on the way itself.

They both entered the house.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh is speaking to Krishank in phone about the art exhibition.

Bondita is in her room thinking about the Haveli and her past memories.

Because tomorrow is 8th death anniversary of her family i.e., Kaka, Sumati, Bihari, Binoy and Arvind.

Bondita: Everything seems like a dream, maa. This stranger man, living in this house without a proper reason, his concern for me, I really dont know what's happening around me. Maa, you are looking at everything from the heaven right? I hope Kaka sasurji, Arvind, Bhari Babu, Binoy uncle are also with you only.

She sheds tears by looking at their photo.

Bondita: If that tragedy wasn't happen then I would be wife of Arvind and our family would have been living happily. I pray God that no bride should face this kind of tragedy on her wedding.

She leaned on bed by recalling the old memories itself. Soon she went to sleep.

~It's 9 p.m~

Anirudh came down to eat but Bondita is absent.

Anirudh: Where is she? Did she ate already?

Cook: No, actually she didn't came down yet.

Anirudh: Why?

Cook: I don't know, Malkin ji.

He went to her room and found her sleeping peacefully.

Anirudh thinks: Ok let's not disturb her.

He closed the door and went to his room after dinner.

He gets busy in his work as usually and he is extra buys as their company is going to enter in a biggest competition.

~In Bondita's room~

Bondita is rolling here and there on her bed. It seems like she is in a bad dreams.

She hold the pillow tightly but couldn't restrict herself. She started to murmur something.

What will happen next?

What is disturbing her in dreams?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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