Bondita goes missing

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Anirudh played pungi sound which made Bondita and Mini to take their naagin form but fortunately the power went off.

The entire hall is dark. They two comes to their human form.

Anirudh: What happened to the power suddenly? Why UPS is not working?

Bondita: Sakha Babu, you don't worry. Please don't be panicked everyone, I'll bring the candles.

She goes to puja room to bring candle but someone in the way, from back pulled her.

Bondita: Who is it?

It's none other than Chirag. He closed her mouth and dragged her to upstairs.

Current came and the place becomes brighter.

Kalindi: Some one have mistakenly switched off the main, itseem.

Anirudh: Oh, that's fine. Now you all please continue the party.

He searches for Anirudh. Meanwhile Chandini take Sulochana to room and yells at her.

Mini: Budhu aurat! Do you know what you have did today? Stupid, you are?

She splashed water again and again on her face forcibly.

Sulochana: Heyy!!

Mini: I am going to kill you now.

She took her naagin form and wraps Sulochana tightly.

Mini: Because of your stupidity my entire plan would have been in vain. I brought you here just to torture Bondita but you are torturing me daily. Better you die today itself.

Sulochana: Wait, first of all leave me. I am feeling difficulty in breathing.

Mini: Hn, die like this itself.

Sulochana: Why you are yelling at me now? After drinking that milk only I started behaving like this. Which means Bondita could be the reason. She might have mixed something in that.

Mini: Shut up!

Sulochana: Believe me, she could be the reason. I think she found us. That's why she is vowing revenge like this.

Mini thinks on.

Sulochana: First of all find whether she knows us or not then you can kill me.

Mini throws her on the bed and thinks deeply.

~In terrace~

Bondita: Who are you? Why you took me here?

Chirag unmasked himself.

Bondita: You?

Chirag: Yes, it's me only. I only switched off the main. That too to take you here only.

Bondita: I think you forgot that day.

Chirag: I didn't forget anything. Till now some of the wounds are there which reminds me that day.

Bondita: Then from where did you get the guts to take me here alone?

Chirag: Listen to me, Bondita. I took you here just to speak with you.

Bondita: If so, why you came like a robber? You would have spoke with me in hall itself.

Chirag: ARC will not allow me to speak with you.

Bondita stares at him.

Chirag: I went to ARC's office before few days. I went there to seek a business deal. But till now he didn't respond.

Bondita: So?

Chirag: Only you can help me in this. Help me, Bondita. I realised my mistakes and now I just want to live as a good human. I do want to live under my father's shelter. I just want to live on my own. So I need this business deal. Please ask him to accept this deal.

AniDita - Revenging LoveWhere stories live. Discover now