Anirudh gets arrested

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Bondita had thrown Chirag out of the window in rage, he fell on the ground from 3rd floor with rage.

On hearing this massive sound, people started to gather around ARC Company. Kalindi hides in car parking.

People: Oh my god! Who did this murder?

They looks towards the window side but Bondita already came down. She wraps Kalindi in her tail and takes her to the Shiv ji temple secretly.

Chirag's head is bleeding heavily.

Man 1: Someone call the ambulance.

Man 2: Yeah, I did it. They will arrive in few minutes. But first let's do the first aid.

Man 3: First aid? It's of no use, he could have died. Check the pulse.

Man 1 checks the pulse.

Man 4: Is he alive still?

Man 1: Pulse is still there but it is very slow. If ambulance does not arrives at correct then there is no chance of him to survive.

They does first aid to him, within few minutes media gathered there.

~In Temple~

Kalindi: Bondita, what have you did? Your angry made you go insane.

Bondita: Sasu maa, what you are speaking? He is our enemy. I revenged him. I am very happy now but you are scolding me and supporting him. What's wrong with you? He is not an innocent, he is a demon that's why I killed him first.

Kalindi: I know Bondita. But I don't why I couldn't enjoy your first victory. Something is making me to fear.

Guruji arrives there, Bondita takes his blessings.

Guruji: Today you did a great job. You have started your real mission. You revenged your first enemy. Now only two are left. Revenge them soon.

Bondita: Guruji, what I did is correct only na?

Guruji: Yes, why you are confusing yourself? You are in right path.

Bondita: But she is not happy with me.

Guruji: Rani maa, what is making you to worry? Bondita is doing her dharm. Nothing is wrong in it. He appeared volunteerly in her life. He did many mischievous to her that's why he revenged him today.

Kalindi: Guruji, I am not speaking about his death. But I don't know why I am feeling somewhat strange. I think something bad is going to happen.

Bondita: Don't worry, saasu ma. Nothing will happen. I am here with you na. Our next target is that Sulochana.

Kalindi nods yes.

~In Apartment~

Anirudh is sitting in hall sofa and working in his laptop. Krishank calls him.

Anirudh: Hello?

Krishank: Si... Sir... Si..

He speaks in afraid tone.

Anirudh: What happened to you?

Krishank: Sir switch on the news channel.

Anirudh switched on to news in his laptop itself.

Chirag's news is being telecasted in all the channels.

Anirudh is shattered and deeply shocked.

Krishank: Sir did you saw it?

Anirudh: What is happening, Krishank?

Krishank: Sir, I was eating my dad was watching news. Then only i saw our company. They are telecasting our company's name in bold letters.

AniDita - Revenging LoveWhere stories live. Discover now