Situation gets worsen

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Bondita and Kalindi are deeply shocked on knowing Anirudh was arrested by policers.

Bondita thinks: What is happening here, Shiv ji? Why is he being punished for my mistakes?

Her eyes filled with tears. Kalindi is dumbstruck in shock.

Chandini: Where you went Bondita? Look, all our pride is flying in air. Our boss was arrested.

Sulochana: Meri beta, anirudh!! I cannot see him in prison. Did I get back here only to see him in this condition?

She starts her drama. Chandini looks at her.

Sulochana thinks: Everyone are doing their part in drama then why not me? Thank God, I poured a drop of glycerine already to my eyes.

She smirked.

Kalindi: Bondita, do something.

Bondita and she rushed to police station.

Mini: Budhiya aurat, do you know what is happening here?

Sulochana: Hn, my eyes are visible clearly. Anirudh has been arrested and this Bondita is going to police station.

Mini: I am not speaking about it. Bondita started to revenge. I am damn sure she only killed Chirag.

Sulochana: How can you say it?

Mini: Stupid hain thum? Can't you even guess this small thing? Where is your brain? I am speaking seriously but you are so lethargic. If my guesses are right then her next target will be either you or me.

Sulochana: Whaat?

Mini: Come lets go to police station and see what's she is doing. Nahi, nahi, we should go to that hospital where Chirag had been taken.

They both rushes to hospital.

~In Hospital~

Doctors are trying hard to treat Chirag. His dad and his goons arrived at hospital. Whole city is shattered now.

Jay: Doctor, I will pay you my whole wealth too but please save my son. Please!

Doctor: We are trying our best. His skull has been damaged. He lost many blood. There are 50-50 chances that too either he will be dead or brain dead.

Jay: No, don't say like this. Do whatever treatment you want. But please give my son's life back.

Doctor: I am just a doctor not God. Worship God for goodness.

He said and went. Jay worries and cries.

~In police station~

Anirudh and Krishank are sitting on bench like an accused.

Inspector: Constable, free them.

A PC went and freed their hands from handcuff.

Inspector: Both of you come here.

They both went near him.

Inspector: ARC, what explanation do you have for this murder?

Anirudh: Murder? How can I explain the thing which I don't even know. I am telling you all the way that I too learnt that news via TV only.

Inspector: Chup!! Are we looking like a mad? Stop lying and tell us the truths. You hired goons to kill him right? Is this because of your business rival?

Krishank: Look Inspector sir, our boss do not have any rival with him. And he is not even worth of it. What ARC saying only true. We both arrived there after seeing news only. Even we are blank about this incident.

AniDita - Revenging LoveWhere stories live. Discover now