Chirag to work with Anirudh?

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Chandini and Chirag are angry on Bondita as she escaped from their trap now they are going to plan some other thing.

~In Office~

Anirudh is busy in his work.

Krishank entered the cabin with some documents.

Krishank: Sir, we have been planning for an on site project na, have you took a decision?

Anirudh: Hn, I am thinking about it still. Krishank, why Nishant is not coming to office? He didn't even informed me anything.

Krishank: Sir, his mom was admited in the hospital. That's why I think so. But he didn't informed me anything. This is just my guess.

Anirudh nodded.

Krishank: Where is Bondita? Why she didn't came to office?

Anirudh: She is not feeling well. So I asked her to take rest.

Krishank whispered: Hn, eating Handiya se Rasgulle will make her ill only then.

Anirudh: What?

Krishank: Nothing sir, actually she forgot to schedule your meetings today.

Anirudh: That's fine, you do it today.

He nodded and went out.

~In Home~

Kalindi and Bondita are making lunch.

Kalindi: Why you both are living here? Why you didn't went to Haveli?

Bondita: It's a big story saasu maa. Your son is the main reason for this.

Kalindi: How?

Bondita: He disguised himself as ARC and filed a case in court. During hearing I only diverted the case without knowing he is Anirudh.

She laughed.

Kalindi: So you can't go to haveli here after? It will be closed forever?

Bondita's smile reduced.

Kalindi: Do you know, for the first time I seeing the haveli being dark. Bondita, please do something and make Anirudh to shift to haveli.

Bondita: Sasu maa, it's not his fault. Court ordered to bring real Anirudh now how will we explain judge about his disguise?

Chandini entered the kitchen. Kalindi looks at her.

Chandini thinks: Rani maa is here? Then I should stay out.

She tries to go out.

Kalindi: One minute!

Chandini scares.

Kalindi: Bondita, who is she? Why she is staying here?

Bondita: I told you Naa we have hired a lawyer. She is Chandini. Our lawyer.

Kalindi: Case has ended then why she's staying here still?

Bondita: Actually she do not have family to go.

Chandini thinks: If I stay here for some more time then Rani maa will find me soon. I should get rid off from here.

Chandini: Bondita, I have to wash my clothes, so I m leaving.

She gave a fake smile and went out, Kalindi looks at her weirdly.

~In room~

Chandini: Oh god, I should do something quickly. I cannot allow Bondita to get inside the Takshak Lok. I have suffered a lot to become a queen. I will never allow anyone to grab my position.

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