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We live in a world where there are second genders. Alpha, beta, and omega. The majority of the population are betas. 22% are alphas and 3% are omegas. Omegas are rare to come by nowadays, especially male omegas but what's even more rare are dominant alphas, only 1% of the population are dominant alphas and/or Dominant omegas.

If both parents are Alpha they can produce Alphas and betas, rarely omegas. An alpha parent and an omega parent together can produce all three genders, but omegas are still less likely. Beta parents can only produce betas. Omega parents can produce any of the three genders, rarely alphas. A beta parent and an omega parent can produce betas and rarely omegas. Dominant Alphas are only born from a dominant alpha parent with a dominant omega, which both are hard to come by.

Omegas are the only second genders that can get pregnant whether they are male or female.

I come from a bloodline of powerful, successful Alphas. Both of my parents are alphas, fortunate in their ways. My father overlooks chains of thriving hotels, while my mother invests her time and ideas into her luxury cafe for higher class citizens, such as CEOs, elite celebrities, and the richest of the rich would gather— accessible through invite only.

My siblings are no less of my family's high-class status and ideals. All alphas and shining stars for the family, further expanding the growth of popularity.

My older brother married—to a founding business partner's daughter, combining companies and furthering business as our father planned—he's the heir to our father's business, with his own rising business.

My older sister is a famous idol and actor, she invests in many small companies. Her idol pop star career choice branches apart from my father's wishes, but slides due to her growing fan base.

My little brother is a genius and a child actor, he has the most potential of all my siblings. He has the world in his hands. His brain is like no other and his memory skills are unmatchable, he could further his career as an actor or become a skilled doctor with a steady cool head and hands. He can achieve anything and everything he puts his mind to.
The favorite child.

And me.

I'm not special when it comes to my family. I don't stand out. I'm nothing like them. I can't act, I'm not an idol, I'm not some genius or successful—the only success I have is being a well-known streamer an Adult streamer. A way for me to kill my pathetic time and distract from the self-loathing of not being enough.

If that wasn't shameful enough. What sets me far apart from my family is that I'm an omega.

The only omega in my whole family. Even my grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins are loved alphas and betas. Not me, I'm just the disappointing omega. Omegas. Only good for having kids. And he can't even do that, my grandfather who drilled his shared values into my father would say.

Being an omega, broke my parent's dream of being one of the only powerful alpha families in the public's eye.

It was embarrassing when they found out, the day replayed over and over throughout my years. Taunting its reminder that I wasn't what my parents wanted.

My mother's hand on my shoulder, a tight squeeze filled with excitement and anxiety about my second gender results. I sat with my legs squeezed together and my hands resting on my lap, a large desk that separated us and the second gender specialist. Beside me, my mother filled the seat. Seated tall with great posture, her cheekbones rose high on her face as a light smile appeared as the specialist reviewed my test results.

"An omega. He's an omega"

It wasn't long until her expression was shattered with disbelief, "come again?". "He's a recessive omega" The specialist brought thin glasses to his face as he confirmed the result.

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