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I sat calmly on the wooden floor of my small hut. My eyes sat closed as I began to steady my breathing. Doing my best to clear my mind from any distractions. Taking a deep breath in as the kids outside  began to giggle loudly as they played. Then a deep breath out at the farmers discussed their morning plans for todays crop. Then like the static of a transmission flicking off, there was nothing but silence.

This was my daily morning ritual. Each morning since I arrived at this planet five years ago. Five years since I lost everything I ever cared for. It may be a tragic tale like everyone else in this world of politics and power hungry Sith lords. Even after the fall of the Galactic Empire stories like mine were still being created.

But for now this place was protected by me, and I refused to allow these people experience what I had.

When I first arrived to Kanarru, this small village was being controlled by a crime lord that was slowly sucking out the life it and everyone inhabiting it. I could have left it be. Gone back to my ship and found somewhere else to hide. However, one of the village elders, Karmat Dealfar, saw the hilt of my lightsaber and begged for assistance. Begged to stop the destructive crime lord and help bring back what the village once was.

So I did. With the removal of the bad the good, Karmat, was able to take over and bring back the once prosperous village. I stayed as Karmat's protector, and no one dared to over throw him. With the way the village changed, no one wanted to. He brought back the joy and wealth it once had.

My eyes shot open as a feeling crashed onto me like a wave. It was small and calm, but like a storm creeping in and forcing the waves to slowly pick up. My eyes shifted around my room, looking at the barely furnished surroundings as I processed the feeling. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while. A feeling of the Force.

I quickly stood up and brought the neck gaiter over the bottom half of my face. I swiftly lifted to hood of my cloak over my head, and grabbed the blaster sitting on the table in front of me. I tapped my hip to feel the familiar metal hilt that never left my side. My movements hastened as I made my way to the cloth door. shifting it away with my hand and staring out into the bright and green field ahead.

Everyone moved normally, continuing on with their daily activities. Obviously not feeling what I was. I steadied my breathing as I looked around area, trying to see if anything was out of place. Karmat stood in front of my hut, leaning against his large wooden cane, smiling brightly as the children in front of him continued to play. He heard me shift out of my hut and turned to me. His wrinkled face shifting into a bright smile.

"Sirra, you're early today!" He exclaimed turning back forward as I walked up and stood beside him, "Skip the morning meditation?"

I stayed silent and stared out into the forest ahead of us. The wind shifted the leaves sitting upon the trees, giving the area a nice rustling noise. Whoever was here was getting closer. The Force slowly becoming stronger with each step.

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