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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

A/N: Slight Cassian spice, but not really. It'll fully come later.


A year passed quickly after the mission on Paveth. Within the year I watched the Rebellion grow, but even as our forces grew stronger so did the Empire. Their grasp on the galaxy was tight and the fear had weighed down on everyone heavily. Making our fight become harder with each step we took. The risk of losing our lives growing larger each day that had passed. But we still had hope. We always held tightly to it.

Cassian and I had become spies. Ghosts hidden within the shadows, grasping for any light that would help illuminate the darkness surrounding us. Our hands becoming stained with blood of whoever risked dimming that light. It had made me grow distant and cold, and for a while I feared who I was becoming. But Cassian was the torch that kept me from falling into that darkness.

Our friendship had grown stronger through the year. The secret of who I was only discussed once. My story told to him one night under a night full of stars and a bottle of alcohol shared between the two of us, and then it was never discussed again. He kept his promise, and no one had learned of the truth of how Cassian survived a blast to the stomach. No one learned who I truly was. I made sure to keep that mask on and never let it slip again.

I heard no word of the Inquisitor that was hiding on that base. When we reported everything that had happened Luthen kept a stern face and thanked us for the report. He may have thought they had died on that base, but a part of me clung tightly to the fear that she didn't. Nightmare plagued my sleep, images of Tayla's falling to the ground, the smirk on the Inquisitors face as if death was just a part of a game. Most nights I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't fall back asleep.

Cassian and I stood in the meeting room with Luthen to discuss our next mission. A holoprojector shined an image of a High General within the Imperial army in front of us. His eyes we're just as cold as any other person within in the Empire I had seen. A stern, clean shaven face stared back at us. Luthen circled around the image as he explained the next mission.

Luca Vale, apparently liked to frequent a particular bar on his off days. Easily bragged about his status to the women who worked it. He always made sure to wear his uniform every time he went, thinking it was something to show off to brag and be proud of. Never realizing how much of a pick it made him look. However, it worked, and no one dared to deny him anything he wanted as he dropped credits into the establishment. No matter what he had planned for the day, what he needed to do or what mission he needed to finish, he always stopped by. The same day, around the same time, every time.

That included a holodisc he would be traveling with in a few days. Thanks to a spy imbedded into the Empire we knew that disc would be on the move with him the same day he'd visit the club. A holodisc containing information on hidden Empire bases that we had yet to discover, and plans for future projects. I was surprised so much information stored on a little disc was being sent personally. Maybe that was the point. The Empire so comfortable with their grip on the galaxy they would never think someone would attempt to take it.

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