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The Razor Crest sped through the starry galaxy at an alarming rate. Turning irradicably as shots whizzed passed the ship, nearly missing it. I was holding on to the steering for dear life. Doing my best to navigate our way from the bounty hunter behind us.

"Hand over the cargo, Mando." The man talked through the coms, referencing the child and I. We had been fine for a week. Stopping at a few random places, only to be tracked and forced to leave. This though was a first, and of course it would happen when it was my turn to fly.

I tilted the steering back and forth, avoiding every shot I could. So far I was successful but he was gaining on us fast. I let out an annoyed breathy grunt. The ship jerked as a blast hit us on the back of the ship. The machine around us immediately beeping loudly as a warning. I cursed under my breath trying my best to shake him off of us.

Mando quickly started pressing buttons doing his best to keep his ship from getting anymore destroyed, "You gonna lose him or what?"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" I yelled back. Yanking the ship to the side, causing us to tilt as well inside.

"I thought you were a fighter pilot." He stated annoyingly.

"Will you just shut up and get on those blasters." I yelled back.

The ship jerked forward again. This time being accompanied by a loud alarm blaring. I looked over seeing the warning that one of the engines was loosing power.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. Pressing a few buttons above me. "Hold tight." I said, gripping tightly to the handles. The ship began to spin down, us along with it. Trying to shake him off one last time.

"I can bring you in hot, or I can bring you in cold." The man said through the coms. I steadied the ship straight.

"Get ready." I told Mando. Pulling against the lever in front of me. The Razor Crest came to a stop, then immediately shot backwards. Causing the enemy shit to fall in front of us.

"Now." I said to Mando.

He followed my command, pressing a button to shoot out a few blasters. "That's my line." He said as the shot hit the ship directly. The ship exploded on impact. A bright light flashing through the dark galaxy around us.

We sat there for a second. Staring out at the destruction. I stared as the explosion began to dissipate, breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath. That was close. Way to close.

I leaned my head back against the seat. Closing my eyes as Mando pressed a few buttons. "Loosing fuel." He stated. The lights around us shut off as sat back up. I grabbed onto the handles in front of me, but before I could even think about finding us a planet he pressed a button causing the handles to lock.

"No, you lost your privileges." He said simply as he got up from his seat.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sneered back. I watched as Mando looked at the panel on the other side of the child. Pressing a few buttons here and there. Nothing was helping though.

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