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A simple question was asked when the three of us entered my hut. Staring out of the window the Mandalorian and I watched as the children of the village played with the small child. When I asked how he acquired to find this child I finally walked away. Placing myself beside the fireplace.

He told his tale of bravery. At first the child being a bounty, but the Mandalorian's connection to him wouldn't allow him to move on. Saving it from whatever the Imperial doctor that was after him had planned for it. Going on the run, and hopefully finding a way to hide and keep him safe. While he told us this, not once did his helmet turn away from the child outside.

I let out a deep breath. Watching as Karmat's wife, Seleen, cooked us some dinner. She swirled the wooden spoon around the contents in the pot. I couldn't help but feel it was reflecting my short lived peaceful life spiraling out of control.

"You shouldn't have brought him here." I stated once more.

I heard a deep modulated breath escape from his helmet. "I know that now. I was just hoping I could find a safe place for him."

"The hunter escaped. Now they won't stop coming until they get what they want." I said as I shifted my gaze to Karmat. The old man just simply hummed under his breath. Tapping his fingers lightly against his cane. Deep in thought.

"We can leave now. I can make sure they follow us far enough so no harm comes to your village." The Mandalorian replied.

"Its too late for that now." Isn't that right Sirra?" Karmat responded back quickly. I could feel a sense of disappointment coming from him, "You were reckless for using that weapon."

I turned my head away from him. Guilt washing over me. I was reckless for using it the lightsaber. The only time it was brought out for battle was against that low life crime lord. I knew what was coming next was on me. Yet, the words coming out of my mouth said differently.

"We would have been fine if Tin-Head didn't stop me from catching the hunter." I sneered.

The Mandalorian finally broke his gaze away from the window. Quickly turning around to face me. I kept my arms crossed, not letting my glare faulter for a second. Both of us stood quietly not saying a word, but the tension was thick enough even Seleen could feel it.

"Oh stop it you two. No sense in squabbling now. What's done is done." She said setting a bowl down in front of her husband. She held another out for me as I willingly grabbed it. "Now eat up. You'll need your strength for whatever comes next." She handed the last bowl to the Mandalorian. He dipped his head kindly to her before grabbing it.

Then there we were. Back to the intense staring contest. I ended it letting out a deep breath, "If you'll excuse me." I mumbled and walked away towards my room. Shutting the door behind me with a little more force then I intended.

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