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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A/N: Spicy chapter incoming! Please enjoy and go easy on me. First time I've ever written anything like this. :)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

There was a silence as the elevator moved unbearably slow towards our floor. The numbers almost a mocking countdown to what came next. I hadn't taken a breath the entire time, and the walls suddenly began to feel like they were closing in on me. My lungs feeling like they were going to give out. I wanted to close my eyes, but I knew that would just be a huge give away to Din. I didn't want him feeling like I was regretting the unspoken plans we had tonight.

I would be a fool not to take advantage of this time we have. No child in sight. A nice room given to us so graciously by Artemis (who obviously knew what he was doing). Just a chance for the two of us to be...us. No masks or helmets to hide under. No rules or creeds creating a wall. Just Din and me. Yet, I couldn't help but question the feeling in the pit of my stomach. Question why my hands were shaking.

The elevator rang and I'm forced back to reality. I trail slowly behind Din as he exited through the sliding door. Every movement he made caused my heart to beat faster and faster. Almost pounding out of my chest as he opened the door to the room. He gave me a quick look, and I couldn't help but think he was making sure I didn't run away. When we both stepped in, we stood there and stayed silent.

Neither of us said a word or made any movements. The realization of what may come next hitting both of us at the same time. My throat went dry. Why the hell is was my throat feeling dry? The seconds that passed felt like the most brutal minutes I've ever encountered. Then Din finally shifted and turned towards me.


"I need to shower." The words came out so quickly it was barely even a legible sentence. I moved swiftly across the room. Trying my best not to trip over myself with how fast I was trying to escape. I slid open the door to the bathroom and retreated behind it. My back fell against it, and I finally took a breath.

Why? Why was I suddenly acting like this? I was a fighter pilot. I've practically faced death many times without caution. Yet this situation...I hated to admit it, it scared me. I'm not supposed to be scared. A feeling I was never allowed to feel. A feeling I refused to ever feel again, and here I was scurrying away behind a wall like a rat.

When I stepped into the shower I stood under the running water, hoping the fear would circle down that drain along with everything else. I felt bad running away from Din like that. At least the shower was doing its jobs to calm my nerves.

When I stepped out, I noticed a pair of silk pajamas folded nicely on the sink counter. My eyes glared when I noticed there wasn't a matching set for Din. Just a pair of sweatpants. No shirt. Of course, there wasn't one. I could practically hear Artemis laughing himself to sleep thinking he was doing me a favor.

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