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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I sat quietly in the cargo bay with the other misfits as I waited for Mando to come down from the cockpit. He was being overly protective of the ship as Zero flew it. I wanted to leave and get as far away as possible from the group, but the kid was hidden in here. Right behind a door just inches away from Mayfield.

Burg paced back and forth in front of me as Xi'an balanced her knife on her finger.

"Will you sit down." She demanded Burg. The knife still balancing perfectly still on her index finger. Burg just walked up to her slowly, quickly banging his heavy hands against the metal roofing. Xi'an hissed at him as he just laughed and took a seat on the floor.

I let out an annoyed sigh. How the hell did Mando deal with this before I came around? No wonder he started working alone.

"So do ya ever take that off?" Mayfield asked as he leaned forward and looked at me.

"No." I said simply. Keeping my stare in front of me.

"How the hell does that work?" He asked another question.

"How does what work?"

"You and Mando. He doesn't take off his helmet either right?"

I turned my head slowly towards him. Just giving him a simple glare. Mayfield rolled his eyes and lifted his hands up in front of him defensively, "Sorry I asked." He turned to Xi'an next, "You ever see his face?"

Xi'an let out a playful gasp. Grabbing her lekku and stroking it softly. "A lady never tells." She said before turning to me. Giving me a sly smirk before letting out a squeaky laugh.

You know what? Screw it, the kid was locked away. They wouldn't even know to search for him. I quickly stood up and made my way to the ladder. I wasn't going to sit here and be teased the whole ride.

"Oh, I think I hurt her feelings. It's okay Sirra, its all in the past." Xi'an said. I stayed quiet, skipping over a few steps on the ladder so I could get out fast. I was afraid I would say the wrong thing and cause even more trouble for Mando.

Mando was already at the top. Waiting for me to come up. I took the last step, climbing into the hallway. I squeezed my way past him as I glared and made my way to my room. I pressed the button on the wall and the door slid open. Walking in and immediately closing it behind me.

There was a second before the door opened back up, Mando walking in and shutting it again behind him. Damn him for not having any locks on these doors.

"You should really learn when someone wants privacy." I said sarcastically as I sat on my bed.

"Stop that." He replied as he leaned against the door, "Stop getting mad and immediately shutting me out."

"Din, right now the longer I'm around this group the more I'm questioning who the hell I've been traveling with all this time."

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