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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Images blurred in front of me. Shining and perfectly untouched black, and the familiar shine of silver beskar. My body felt weak as it laid on the cold metal floor. I told myself to move, yet my mind and my body weren't connecting. I could see Din fighting in front of me. Struggling to keep up against the dark troopers.

I watched as my lightsaber fell from Din's belt, rolling down the floor in front of me as his body flew across the floor. My body yelled for me to get up and to fight. To help Din. But my mind still wanted to give up. We had lost. Gideon got what he wanted. This was the end. My eyes slowly began to close again.

But then voices began to echo around me. Those of loved ones from my past. Devron's voice came in first.

You've got to get up Amara

Then the voice of my mother

This isn't the end my child. Get up.

My eyes opened slowly to the sound of her voice. Searching around the room for that soft familiar melody. More voices began to pour in. Obi Wan, Cassian, even voices of those I had never heard before. They echoed on top of each other, all full of words of encouragement. I stared blankly at my lightsaber in front of me, and my hand stretched out towards it as one last voice filtered through.

My fathers.

There's still so much you must learn Amara. So much I didn't tell you. You must continue to fight. Fight and see everything your future holds.

It was with his voice the Force returned to me. I felt it flowing throughout my body and into my hands. The lightsaber shook for a second in front of me, before shooting across the floor into my hand. I stood up, my legs shaking under me.

My steps towards the Dark troopers we're silenced by their metallic stomps. I approached slowly, getting close behind them as one reached back down towards Din. Wrapping its metal hands tightly around Din's neck.

I ignited my lightsaber behind them. The orange hue reflecting off their black metal shells. I reached my arms up, quickly slashed against the Dark trooper holding onto Din. Its parts melted away as my lightsaber moved through its chest. I quickly pushed against the metal, slashing all the way through quickly before doing the same to the other.

The dark troopers' bodies slid down, and the parts began to spark on the floor as Din stood back up quickly. His helmet started down towards me, and the two of us stood silently as we began to catch our breaths. It was only for a few seconds, as if neither of us believed it was real.

I retreated my lightsaber quickly as Din rushed over towards me and reached for his helmet. Removing it quickly. His hand reached out, and reached for my face. Pulling me in quickly as his lips crashed into mine. I could feel all the worry he had held these past few days. The fear he had that something bad had happened and that I was gone for good.

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