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I stood in front of the table as Karmat and Selene sat beside each other. Din stood silently with his arms crossed behind me. Leaning against the wall by the window that looked outside towards the field. He watched closely as the child played with the children of the village. Their laughter filling the silent tension around us.

Karmat explained how after moving here one of his villagers started making a lot of visits across the river. Apparently racking up gambling debts he was never going to be able to pay off. I guess when the total got too high whoever he owed decided enough was enough. Sold him off to work off the debt instead.

"That's his own problem. You can't fault yourself for another person's mistake." Din spoke up.

Karmat thinned his lips, "Normally I'd say the same thing. However, the person he owes is Koa."

My hands dropped to my side, "The leader of the Shadow Thorne?" I asked. My jaw dropping.

"The crime syndicate?" Din added in.

Karmat nodded his head shamefully. I sucked in a deep breath. This was bad. Whoever this was just put Karmat's village on the map. They could come whenever they wanted now and collect. Claim whatever they took was to help pay off the debt.

Karmat knew all this too. Knowing now the village was in danger once more. There was no way they were going to pack up and leave again. I cursed under my breath. Selene reached out and held tightly to Karmat's hand. Both shaking at the thoughts of what could happen next.

"We just don't know what to do. That's way too big of a price to pay off." She said shamefully.

I bit my lip as I fell into my thoughts. There was no way Din, and I could take down Thorne. Even with the villages help. I turned to Din who was lost in thought as well. Probably coming to the same conclusion, I was.

Then my eyes caught something outside the window. As the sun began to set out in the distance you could see the lights of the city begin to light up sky. Hiding any stars that were slowly making their way into the night sky. Then it hit me.

"Maybe I can help." I spoke confidently.

Dins hands dropped away from his chest. His head tilting in disbelief. "You think we can take on an entire syndicate?"

I shook my head quickly, "Oh absolutely not, but we may have another option. We'll have to go into the city to find out." I turned to Karmat as him and Selene began to show a small glimmer of hope. "Can you watch the kid for a night or two?"

"Of course. We'd be happy to. But what are you planning?" Karmat asked. He knew I spent some time here. I'm sure he was jumping to the worst conclusions. Which he wasn't wrong to.

"I've got an old friend I need to visit." I answered simply. Leaving out details so I wouldn't worry Karmat.

Din and I quickly packed a few things and headed towards the river. Din didn't really say much after I explained what I had in mind. I didn't blame him, but my time here wasn't as deadly sounding as it seemed. Once we crossed the river and made it into the city, Din finally began speaking his concerns.

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