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I stood in the front door of the house built by the Adelphi base. Neither Cassian and I moved as we stared into my new living quarters. It was nice. A one bedroom with its own living room and kitchen. Already furnished. The days of sleeping on old cots in a tiny room were over.

However a part of me had lost the excitement. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to except it. The sooner I did the sooner Cassian and I would be pulled apart with training and missions. So I stood there unmoving. Not wanting the time to move forward.

"It's nice." Cassian said, a bit of excitement filtering his voice.

"Its far." I replied back coldly.

"I couldn't live somewhere like this back on Yavin." Cassian continued as he walked into the space. Taking in the already provided furniture placed in the living room.

"It's ridiculous they make me pay rent here."

Cassian chuckled, "It's barely even rent. Just a few credits that goes back to the cause anyways." He finally turned towards me and noticed I hadn't moved from the door. His head tilted to the side, curious to why I looked upset. "What wrong?"

"It's a lot of travel." I reiterated.

Cassian took a step towards me, "It's nothing I can't handle."

"We'll be apart more than we're used to."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

I let out a deep sigh, "Cassian." I called out to him disappointingly. Sometimes I wondered if the reality of our lives were ever a concern to him.

Cassian took another step and stood in front of me, "Amara." He called out my name playfully. My eyes locked onto his, and he kept his nonchalant demeanor. He let out a chuckle and shook his head before resting his hands against my face.

"Come on, mi amor. This place his great. It's a lot nicer then where you lived before." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll only be gone for a couple weeks at a time for whatever they send me to do. I'll come back here when I get my off time. It'll be okay." He reached his hand up and pushed a few strands of hair away from my face before resting it under my chin. Pulling my lips close to his. Lingering just a centimeters away from each other, causing heat to flood my cheeks. "Just enjoy the flight training. I know you've been dying to learn."

He was right. I was absolutely exhilarated to fly for the first time. I was even excited to have Micha teach me the ins and outs for modding my own ship. But that excitement was being overshadowed by Cassian's eventual departure. It was clear he was trying his best to distract me.

His thumb brushed against my lips, and they parted instinctively as I drew in a breath. "The time will go by quick with the training. I promise." He said. I exhaled the breath and nodded my head slightly, causing a small smirk to fall on Cassian's lips. He finally closed the small gap between us and pressed his lips onto mine.

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