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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My feet landed first into the transport and I was immediately blinded by the familiar all white walls surrounding me. It had been a while since I had been on one of these. Usually here to drop off any arrests the Republic made. Now, I would be the one arrested if I was ever found here.

I drew my blaster out as Mando was the last to come down. Staying close by me as everyone looked around. Thankfully it was quiet, which meant what they said about it being run by droids was true.

"Sub level three. Disabling on board surveillance." Zero spoke through the commlink.

"Alright lets go." Mayfield said as he moved forward through the hall. Mando and I followed behind the rest of the group. Keeping out blasters out for anything that could go wrong. Though for me I was waiting on this group to suddenly decide we weren't needed.

We passed by the many cells that lined across the walls. Faces of different creatures and other species staring back at us through the small windows on their doors.

"I don't like this." Mando said as we passed by an imprisoned Imperial.

"You always were paranoid." Xi'an said. I raised my brows. Surprised that I was kind of agreeing with her. He still was paranoid. At least he was less so since I first met him.

"Is it true Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfield mocked as he slowly approached a cell on the wall. A creature let out a high pitched growl causing Mayfield to jump back. Xi'an walked up to the door, hissing at it before laughing. I couldn't help but think how screwed we were. Most of the success of this job was dependent on this group.

We continued our walk, ensuring to be cautious as we made a turn towards another hallway. Each turn we made I felt us falling deeper and deeper in a maze. The three talked amongst themselves. Oblivious to the noise of a chattering droid in the distance.

"Get back." I whispered as everyone quickly moved behind some pillars by the wall. I stood behind Mando as he kept his arm behind him. Holding me back from moving any more outside the pillar.

We watched quietly as a small MSE-6 repair droid rolled its way into the hallway. Blurg let out a low laugh. Walking out towards it as the droid stopped when it spotted him.

"Its just a little mousey." Blurg said as he walked up to it. The droid began to roll back the closer he got, "Come here little mousey." When the droid refused and began to roll away Blurg drew his gun out. Quickly setting it off and destroying the droid.

"Are you an idiot?" I yelled as I stepped out of the pillar.

"What?" Blurg said innocently. Not realizing what he just did.

Then we heard the steps of other droids. Four N5 sentry droids stepped in from the other hallway. The four way bigger then the small one Blurg just destroyed, and way more deadly. Apparent by the guns they drew out aiming towards us.

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