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As sun began to lower on Sorgan Mando, Cara, and I began tracking where the raiders were coming from. Mando lead the way, being able to see the heat signatures of their footprints. The crickets chirped as we walked silently. Cara and I looking ahead for anything out of place as Mando kept his sights on the ground. He stopped as he spotted a few footsteps.

"About fifteen or twenty of them came through here on foot." He said, pointing at a path up ahead. I looked down, noticing a few large branches on the ground. Not something a normal storm could cause. I followed my sights up, seeing the trees disheveled and branches broken as if something moved through them.

"Something big sheared off those branches." I stated as the two looked up as well. The three of us moved forward, stopping as we came upon a large footprint. None of us needed Mando's tech to see this thing. That's how big it was. I tilted my head as I knelt down and looked at the intricate details of the print. I knew immediately what it was.

"AT-ST" Cara stated, catching on as well.

"Imperial walker." Mando added.

I stood up, letting out a long sigh. "Great." I muttered under my breath. This wasn't good. For the village or for us. "How did some raiders get their hands on something like this?" I asked as I turned to Cara.

She shook her head, looking baffled as well. "I don't know." She said quietly, "But this is more then I signed up for." We all set our gazes forward. Seeing the trail of large footprints and destruction lead deeper into the forest.

"So what now?" I asked turning to Mando.


"Bad news. You can't live here anymore." Mando stated simply. The three of us were standing in front of the small group of the village. We knew we couldn't take on an Imperial walker. So there was only one other choice. Move an entire village...again. My head turned to Mando slowly as the village began to speak up in protest. Mando noticed I was glaring at him. Turning his head slowly towards me as well. Staring at me as his helmet tipped to the side. Unsure of how he could have said it any better. I shook my head and faced back forward.

"Nice beside manner." Cara said to him under her breath.

"You two think you can do better?" Mando snapped back.

"Cant do much worse." Cara replied. She stepped forward as the people began to mutter and chat amongst themselves. They complete disbelief that they would have to leave. "I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but there are no other options." Cara spoke out to the crowd.

"You took the job." One of the guys in the village yelled out. Causing the crowd to rebel once more.

"That was before we knew about the AT-ST." Cara called out. The crowd looked at each other confused. Wondering what she was talking about. A village so far removed from the Empire there was no way they would understand it just by the name.

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