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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We all stood in silence as the ships engines roared above us as it passed. Landing slowly just past the hill where the Razor Crest sat. It was definitely one of Gideon's ship. The only concern was how many stormtroopers were on it.

"Din, the child." I said quickly. He didn't even take a second to breathe before heading back up the hill. I quickly grabbed my blaster, following Boba and Fennec as we walked slowly towards the ship. Using as much of the brush under our feet as possible to keep us hidden. I pressed my back against the rock Boba perched on, holding the blaster in front of my face. Fennec and Boba had the long range. Leaving me to take on the stragglers still standing.

"Stormtroopers?" Boba questioned as he took another shot.

"They're after the child and I." I answered him. I could hear the footsteps of the armor getting closer. Close enough for me to finally join in. I pushed off the rock and turned quickly. Taking out the troopers that had managed to avoid the other shots. Sending a few blasts their way and taking the stragglers down. I sucked in a break and ducked back down as more exited the ship. Gideon wasn't going to let us escape that easily this time.

I didn't need to explain more to Boba. He didn't know the child was Force sensitive, but he knew I was. If he was the one starting our little hide and seek games as kids, then he understood the hunt was still on. Boba looked over at Fennec, motioning with his hands their next move. The two separated quickly, Fennec hiding herself behind a rock like I was. Being precise with her shots. Boba hid behind another one. Listening closely as the stormtroopers neared him.

Fennec and I continued our fight as Boba took a group of them down on his own. He still moved with ease like he did on Tattooine. Not once showing that he spent time inside a sarlacc pit. Taking the troopers down one by one with his gaffi stick with ease.

The stormtroopers sent off a grenade, exploding beside me and forcing me out of my cover spot. I cursed to myself as I pushed myself off the ground. Blaster wasn't going to do me any good at this point. I stood back up and reached for my lightsaber. Igniting it immediately and blocking the few blasts that headed my way. I felt at ease for a second, thinking this was all going to be easier now.

That was until I caught eye of the E-web aiming at our direction.

"Fennec, run." I said to her quickly, and we both sprinted away. The E-web shot out the blast quickly. Thankfully missing us as we ran across the rocky terrain. The shots, however, began to slowly inch closer to us more and more. Fennec and I jumped behind another large bolder. Catching some cover before she began shooting once more. Nothing was letting up for us, and another grenade hit. Causing the rock to shift out of its place.

"Stand back." I said as Fennec pushed herself against the wall. I took a deep breath, bringing my hand back, focusing the Force within my palm before shooting it out in front of me. Dislodging the rock and forcing it down the hill. The E-web focused onto it, trying its best to break the boulder as it rolled on top of a few stormtroopers. The blasts instead ricocheting off it before crushing the weapon and the trooper controlling it.

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