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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Din and I sat silently as the ship made its course to our next destination. My leg bounced up and down as I shifted in my seat. Din wouldn't say where we were going. All he told me was that it was a surprise. I could see him turn his helmet slowly as I shifted again.

"Not even a little hint?" I asked sweetly as he shook his head and turned back.

"We're almost there. I promise." He said simply as I looked back out the window. I leaned my cheek against my hand. My leg still shaking in anticipation. I honestly hated surprises. Having enough bad ones throughout my life that they made me more uneasy than ever.

I felt Din's hand wrap tightly around my knee. Forcing it to stop jumping as he pressed a few buttons on the panels. I felt my body stiffen up and the heat immediately rush to my cheeks. I sucked in a deep breath and hid my face deeper into my hand. Trying my best to hide it. I could hear Din chuckle as he pulled his hand away.

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves. It had been a while since I felt this nervous around someone. I honestly never thought I'd ever feel this way again. I felt my heart beating so hard within my chest and pressed my hand over it. I felt a familiar rigid metal beneath my shirt. I duck my hand under my collar and looked down. I had completely forgotten I still had Din's crest with me. We had gotten so swept up in everything that I blanked on the fact that he had handed it to me.

I quickly untied it and looked down at the Mandalorian crest. The intricate details of a horned skull brought an odd feeling of familiarity. Though where I had seen it before I couldn't exactly pin. I bit my lip trying to reach into the deepest part of my memories but easily gave up. Maybe I was just imagining I had seen it before.

"Here. I forgot to give this back to you." I said as I held the necklace up in front of me. Din turned his head for a second, the crest reflecting on his visor, before he turned away again.

"You go ahead and keep it on you." He said simply. "In case something happens again."

I couldn't hold back the soft smile building on my lips. Maybe it was just a small protection piece in case something happened to him, but I liked the idea of having something that was Din's always carried with me. I quickly wrapped the necklace back around my neck and stared down at the symbol once more. Getting lost in that feeling of familiarity.

"We're here." Din said as I lifted my head up. My heart sunk immediately when I saw the large planet sitting in front of me.

"Arten?" I asked in disbelief as I fell back into my chair.

"You've been here before?" He asked back. Obviously reading the tone in my voice. He lowered the razor crest towards the planet as I let out a long sigh. Realizing there was still quite a bit I had yet to tell Din. I mean there was a good year I was on the run before settling down in Kanaruu.

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