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"Dank Farrik!" I cursed as I leaned the side of my body against the bathroom wall. I had tried to take off my cloak to see the wound on my side, but even that small of a movement was painful. I took a deep breath in and out before lifting the side of my shirt up. Sucking that breath back in through my teeth as my face scrunched from the pain.

I heard the heavy footsteps of the Mandalorian walk up as I let out a small groan. I had kept the bathroom door open as I patched myself up in case I just passed out from the pain. He paused in the doorway for a second. His helmet tilting down at my wound before moving back up slowly. My brown hair sat in a long ponytail trailing down my back as small strands framed the front of my face. The Mandalorian sucked in a deep breath as he quickly turned his head. Looking back out into the hallway outside of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry. I should've knocked." He said quietly. Keeping his head turned.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. I lifted my hand up to my face, feeling the familiar cloth that sat across it and around my neck. When I looked down to the floor I saw my cloak and realized why he was doing it. I let out a small laugh, then immediately regretted it as the pain on my side shot across my body again. I groaned before leaning against the sink counter.

"Right I forgot. You're fine." I said between my heavy breaths, "Even Karmat has seen me without my cloak. I only had it on for extra protection since you were a bounty hunter. Besides, there's an entire galaxy full of brunettes."

The Mandalorian turned slowly. I could tell he was still feeling hesitant. I just rolled my eyes as I turned and reached for the med kit sitting on the other end of the counter. I struggled with the short stretch as it caused my wound to open up more. I felt Mando grab my other side. Pulling me back so I wouldn't push it as he grabbed the kit. He set it on the edge as I reached for it. He pulled my hand away quickly.

"Stop you're going to make it worse. Let me look at it." He said. I paused for a moment before letting out a deep sigh. I turned back around as Mando stood close to me. I pushed myself up onto the counter and let out another groan as the pain returned. I looked forward, the counter giving me the same height as him. Allowing me for once to truly look deep into the black visor on his helmet. Once again realizing that I would never see through it.

He tilted his head to the side as his glove brushed around the wound. I sucked in a breath as he pulled away quickly. Thinking he was hurting me. I could tell it wasn't that by the way my heart was beating so quickly.

"The wound is deep but cauterized. So loss of blood isn't an issue." He said as he reached for the bacta spray inside the kit.

"That the job of a lightsaber for you." I said as I watched his movements. He tried his best to hold it properly but the silver container continued to slip through his gloves.

"Dank Farrik." He cursed under his breath just as I did earlier. I tried my best to stifle the laugh that was trying to escape my lips. "Hold on." He stated as he set the spray down on the counter. He grabbed his hand with the other and pulled off the glove. Then did the same with the other.

My eyes immediately flicked to his hands. His skin surprisingly kept its olive tone despite it lack of sunlight through the years of hiding. They looked strong but callused from the years of fights he's been in. He grabbed the spray and walked back over. He pressed his free hand against the exposed skin on my side, causing my body to tense. Which he noticed immediately.

"Have you never used bacta spray before? There's no need to tense up, it doesn't hurt." He stated.

Gods he was oblivious. Which thankfully works in my favor. I bit my lip. Trying to loosen myself up. At this point I wished my strength would just return so I could heal myself with the Force and avoid this entire awkward situation. If I did that now though I'd just pass out.

"Just do it." I said quickly. Beginning to feel the heat rush to my cheeks. He didn't hesitate on my command. The warm and slimy liquid sprayed onto my wound. I scrunched my face in disgust as the feeling. How I hated bacta.

Mando grabbed some cloth that was sitting in the kit and began wrapping it around my waist. I just continued to keep my eyes away from him. Distracting myself with anything I could away from his bare hands touching me.

"There. Should be healed in a few hours." He said placing the spray and extra bandages back into the kit. I hummed under my breath still keeping my eyes away from him. Hoping the redness in my cheeks didn't spread across the part of my face that wasn't covered. However his hand had yet to move away from my side.

My body tensed again as I felt his hand brush across my face. Tucking the strand of hair that was hanging over my face behind my ear. My heart was jumping out of my chest at this point. I quickly turned to him, surprised by the action as he pulled his hand away. He kept the other on my side as his thumb brushed against my skin.

"You know you already told me your name. Why keep the mask?" He asked simply.

A smirk spread across my lips. I jumped down from the counter and pulled my shirt down. His hand pulling away from my side as I did. I grabbed my cloak off the floor and put it back on quickly. Hiding beneath it once more. The pain in my side already starting to disappear.

"Who said I wasn't lying about that too." I teased, walking backwards out of the bathroom. Keeping my eyes on him as I did.

I heard a small laugh escape him as I walked away and back to the cockpit. I sat myself down in my seat. "Remember its for your protection." I joked as I pressed a few buttons on the dash. He took his seat next to me. Chuckling as he grabbed a hold of the steering.

"So where are we headed?" He asked pressing a few of his own buttons. Suddenly I heard something on the ship turn off. I turned in my seat seeing the child behind me press a button. I simply pressed it back on.

"You're asking me? I thought I was just along for the ride." I said turning back forward.

Another sound of a button clicked. Mando turned his head to the child as he looked up at him innocently.

"Stop touching things." He said simply then turned back forward, "You're the veteran traveler. Have any ideas?"

The child didn't take his eyes off of Mando as he reached for another button. Pressing it just to test him. The ship began to rattle roughly as Mando reached over and pressed the button back on. He grabbed the child and put him in his lap so he could keep an eye on him.

I chuckled pressing a few of my own. Pulling the map in front of me. A bunch of blue dots loading up on it.

"There." I said as I pointed to a small dot and pressing a few buttons to bring up a map of the planet, "Sorgan. No star port. No industrial centers. No population density."

Mando hummed under his breath, "Reminds you of some place?" He asked jokingly.

I pressed a button to pull the map away. Before reaching above me and pressing a switch. I grabbed the second set of shifters in front of me. Ready to get us going.

"Yeah but try not to get this place destroyed like last time." I joked as I pressed the last button that would give me control of the ship. The excitement rushing over me. Immediately Mando reached up. Pressing a single button above his seat. I felt the handles stiffen up and lock as a few lights around me shut off.

"No. Absolutely not." Mando said sternly as he took back control of the ship. He handed me the child. Placing him on my lap before grabbing his own handle and starting our journey.

I leaned my back against the seat. Pouting slightly as the child coo'd in my lap. One day I'll get him to let me drive. One day.

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