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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The sun was begging to set when Din and I made it back to the docks and into the inn. Grabbing some stuff quickly from the Razor Crest as it was getting repairs and settling into the room we rented. I stayed silent as Din set the child onto the bed. Unsure of what to say. I wasn't mad, but just disappointed in him. We had finally come so close to finding a lead to another Jedi and Din was being too stubborn to realize that.

The silence was deafening as I pulled off my wet clothes, setting them by the fireplace to let them dry before changing into new ones. Din made it seem his focus was on the child, but I could tell he was watching my every move. Practically reading me like a book and noticing I was upset. I heard a deep sigh as he sat down on the bed. Waiting for me to speak, but I was being stubborn as well.

"You're shutting me out again." He said quietly. I pulled on the hem of my shirt as I finished bringing it down. Flipping my hair out from under it without turning to look at him.

"I'm not shutting you out." I answered shortly, setting my holster on to the small table in front of me.

"Amara." He called out. Leaving everything he was thinking in just my name alone. I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. Trying my best to gather my thoughts into one cohesive sentence. Trying my best to be careful not to upset him more than he already was. I bit my lip before turning to him. Seeing his visor on his helmet hadn't shifted away from me at all.

"I'm not mad or anything, Din. I just really wish you'd hear them out at least." I said softly. Trying my best to hide the disappointment in my words. Din's helmet shook in protest but before he could try to argue I tried to explain, "So they took off their helmets. So have you around me Din."

"That's different." He protested quickly, "There's a reason I'm allowed to do that."

"Yeah, a reason you still refuse to explain."

I heard a scoff escape from his helmet as he finally looked away. His head continued to shake as if telling me I was wrong. "They do not follow the creed." He replied.

"And that's a problem why?" I asked defensively. I know he usually said I would shut down a build a wall, but his was starting to become ten feet tall. Leaving me with nothing but my words to break it down and get to him. I clenched my jaw as I tried my best to find the right words, but no matter what was coming to my head it all felt wrong. Making me feel like no matter what I said he'd be mad. I let out a deep sigh shaking my head as well. Walking up in front of him and he'd see what I was trying to say.

"Look I know what it's like to be raised thinking that the rules you were born into were the only ones that exists. Closing myself off to any other ideals. All I'm saying is maybe your way isn't the only way."

That was the worst thing I could have said. Din's helmet turned to me as he got up from the bed quickly. Practically towering over me as his chest plate moved up and down slowly.

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