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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Pain. It was the only feeling I felt. It was all consuming. Taking over every part of me. I looked through the darkness for any sort of light, but that was slowly fading. Dimming with every sharp pain and every shock that coursed through my body. I felt myself slowly falling deeper and deeper into the darkness. Each moment my arms would slowly become raw from trying to pull out of the cuffs. Eventually the pain caused me to black out.

When my eyes opened, I was no longer in that dark room. No longer strapped to that chair, unable to escape. No longer in pain. Now I felt a calm serenity wash over me. My eyes winced by the brightness that surrounded me. A feeling of water splashing against my feet replaced the cold dreary cuffs that kept me from moving. Under me a gritty substance stuck to my skin, but the feeling was different than what I was used to. Wet and cold, but I didn't mind it.

When I sat up, a beach stretched on for miles beside me. The sun kissed the water as it began to set on the horizon. Creating a beautiful shade of pinks and oranges and becoming a rippled reflection in the water like a mirror.

I turned to the side and planned to walk the long stretch. But as I began to take my few steps forward a figure began to emerge ahead of me. I moved closer with caution and as I did, I began to see them clearly. The familiar brown shaggy hair blew in the wind. A small bit of scruff now covered his jawline. He stood there so calm and quiet with his hands tucked into his pockets. He stared out into the sunset with a contempt smile.

My heart stopped and my breath hitched in my throat. "Cassian?" I called out to him, my voice breaking as I did.

He turned his head, and his smile grew. His eyes softened when he looked back at me. He looked as if no time had passed since I last saw him.

"Hello, mi amor." He said softly.

I felt the tears begin to well up, but I did my best to push them back. I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. No, this was a dream. My heart wanted nothing more than to believe he was actually here. That if this was really what followed death that it would be happy. My mind stopped it quickly, knowing it was just my way of dealing with the suffering I was feeling.

"This isn't real. I'm only imagining you because he said your name." I said quietly, as if trying to convince myself. Eyes closed so tight, knowing when I'd open them this would all be gone.

I felt a soft warm hand brush against my cheek. Pushing the strands of my hair that had fallen across it away. My eyes shot open, and Cassian was still there. This beach was still surrounding us. He hadn't disappeared.

He chuckled, "I'm here."

I felt him as if he was still alive. His hand so soft against my skin like it had felt all those years ago. I couldn't find the words to speak. Instead, a single tear rolled down my cheek and onto his hand. Real or not it didn't matter. A part of me wanted to believe this was the Force giving me an old comforting light to help me deal with the pain of reality.

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