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4 BBY - Tatooine

At a young age I wanted to see the world outside of Tatooine. A large vast galaxy full of other planets and moons that could be explored. Different lives and different cultures. It was all I thought about. It was all I dreamed of.

At that time, I wasn't even allowed outside the village. Finding myself trapped within the walls of our house like a cage. As I grew older, I tested the limits, seeing just how far I could get each day without my father noticing. Mos Eisley wasn't too far from the village, and soon I saw a whole other world just within the desert planet. Though it was dangerous it had become my own little paradise.

When I was old enough, I visited more frequently and planned my escape.

I sat in the corner of the cantina with a hood over my head and a scarf covering my face. The music of the band echoed louder than the voices attempting to speak over it. I watched as patrons talked amongst themselves. My caught a flash of white as two stormtroopers entered the establishment. The voices quieting down as all eyes fell on them. Concern for whether they were here for someone or to just have a drink. As the two stormtroopers sat down at the bar and ordered drinks the voices picked up again, and I moved away from my table.

I exited quietly out of the cantina and through a small alleyway towards my next destination. At one of the docking bays a small group of stormtroopers were set up. In the past week I had only counted a handful of troopers within Mos Eisley, making my plans easier.

Between their shift changes I boarded their ship, only having thirty minutes to take what I can and leave. Selling the stuff off to whatever shady business here wanted it. Blasters, tech, whatever I could find. Slowly saving up for my escape out of this desert planet.

I exited the alleyway, moving slowly and quietly towards the docking bay. I pushed my back against the wall and looked around the corner. Just up ahead was a building where two troopers stood inside. Their backs facing a window as they read through whatever report was given to them. Thirty minutes, and I had to be out before the time was up.

I moved quickly to the bridge of the ship, keeping my eye on the troopers through the window before entering the ship fully. I pulled out a bag and began looking through some of the crates. Grabbing anything that could look valuable. Time moving faster than I could grab. Twenty-five minutes quickly turned to fifteen. Fifteen quickly turned to five.

I positioned my bag back onto my back and exited back out quickly, ducking back behind the wall I started at. I looked back over to see the two stormtroopers exiting the building, taking their place in front of the ship. Starting their next shift. I was in the clear. Or at least thought I was.

"Hey! You there!" I quickly turned my head back around, seeing another pair of troopers jog their way towards me. Shit. Their normal routine changed today for some reason. Completely screwing me over. I stared as they came closer, looking around for my escape route. I looked back at the alleyway I entered in and ran quickly.

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