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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I could question if Din could predict the future or just simply curse him for speaking things into existence. The two suns were more than unbearable as we traveled back to Mos Eisley. Though it wouldn't have been as bad if we weren't traveling back on foot. Carrying everything we once had on the speeder now on our backs and in our hands.

All it took was a group of raiders to catch just a small glimpse of Din's armor and we were screwed. After fighting them off and grabbing our things we headed back with the speeder now broken and in shambles. The trip back taking longer than usual, making it nightfall by the time we arrived.

I had never been more excited to see the cantina in my life. Though the establishment had always been known to carry the worst misfits around, the only thought in my head was instead getting a drink. Hoping to quench my dry throat and rest my legs from the long walk.

I immediately headed to the bar as Din walked over towards a table in the back. Knowing already that Peli was going to be here. I order a glass of Spotchka as I looked over to see Peli playing a game of sabacc with some insectoid species as Din walked up. The three were already discussing what had happened as I waited for my drink.

I took the first sip as I walked over to the table. Seeing Din drop a few credits onto the table. Peli looked so casual for a second before letting out a loud "Ha!" and slamming her cards down onto the table.

"Idiots Array. Pay up, thorax!" She yelled as reached over the table and grabbed the pile of credits sitting at the other player's side.

"I thought you said he was on a hot streak?" Din said sounding slightly annoyed.

"Ah, stop your crying. You'll rust." She fired back.

I leaned in close to Din as Peli stayed focused on the credits she earned. Piling them all together onto her end of the table. "Let it be. We technically owe her for the speeder." I said quietly so she couldn't hear. I heard Din let out a long sigh as he turned back and listened to the important information at hand.

"All right. He says the contact will rendezvous at the hanger. They'll tell you where to find some Mandalorian's." Peli translated for us.

I raised my eyebrows in interest, "We already have a new lead?" I asked surprised.

"Apparently so." Din replied, though he sounded a bit defeated.

Peli pocketed her newly acquired earnings into her pocket before leaving her seat at the table, "That's what you wanted right?" She asked Din as she looked up at him slightly annoyed.

"Yes" Din answered simply.

"All right, well, stop your mopin' " She demanded as we followed her out of the cantina.

When he arrived back to her hanger we handed off the dragon meat to the droids. The little things quick to put it on a spit. Letting it cook with the heat from an engine blast. I watched as the kid stared up at the meat, his eyes growing wide. He was practically drooling from the sight of his next meal.

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