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Mando landed us safely on Sargon within a few hours. I set the child down on the ground as I got up from my seat. Making my way to the hidden wall in the hallway where we kept our weapons. pressed the code on the keypad as the wall opened, expanding out all our weapons. I began placing everything in its place on my holster. Blaster, knife, my detonators.

The final piece was my lightsaber. I stared at it. Questioning if I was even going to bring it. Karmat's words repeated in my head.

It is time for you to be who you truly are instead of running from it.

I stared down at the hilt and rolled it around in my hand. Was I ready to go back to the force fully? Embrace it once more like I did years ago? I let out a long sigh. Tucking it into the back slot of my holster and moving my cloak over to cover it. When I looked back up I could see Mando was watching my every move.

"You think you'll need it?" He asked as he walked over and began grabbing his own things. I shrugged my shoulders and turned away. Unsure how to answer. Most likely not, but with what happened on Kanarru I was worried. Stuck in a constant conflict of never using it again and only bringing it out in desperate times. Those times were happening a lot lately.

When Mando finished he turned to the child who just stood and watched our every move. His head tilted in curiosity.

"Listen, we're gonna go out there and look around. It shouldn't take too long." He said to him, "Now, don't touch anything." He finished with a stern voice. "I'll find us some lodging then we'll come back for you."

I watched as the child just tilted his head back and forth. As if hearing him speak but not understanding a thing he was saying. I let out a small chuckle as the kid didn't show any sign he understood.

"You. Stay right here." Mando repeated, motioning the movements the child needed to do with his hands, "You stay. Don't move." He finished. He turned to me as I just stood there with my arms crossed. My eyebrows raised in amusement. Mando shook his head and pressed the white button on the pad beside the bridge.

"I think he understood." Manda said to me. Feeling slightly proud of himself as the door hissed in front of us and began to lower.

"I don't think he did." I said pulling my cloak tightly around my chest. Making sure all my weaponry was hidden.

The bridge lowered complete as we both stood at the top. I looked around at the scenery surrounding us. Nothing but green trees and grass. The place immediately reminding me of Kanarru. A small child like noise came below us. Both Mando and I looking down and seeing the child standing in-between us. Ready to join us on our walk.

I looked back at Mando and shook my head. "Told you." I said with a smirk. Pulling my hood up over my head. Taking the steps down the bridge and beginning our trek towards the village. Mando sighed behind me, looking back down at the kid.

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