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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The fire from IG's explosion subsided as the boat slowly crawled out of the entrance of the tunnel. Each of us still ready for whatever attack had managed to survive the droids sacrifice. But when it reached the end of the bank we lowered our blasters. Seeing nothing but the demise of the stormtroopers and small flames from the explosion.

We weren't given a second to rest as the screech of a familiar tie fighter roared above us. My eyes gazed up as Gideon's ship zoomed closer to us.

"Moff Gideon!" Cara yelled as it sped past, sending out a few blasts in its path. The ground surrounding us exploded as we ducked for a second. Covering ourself with nothing but our hands as the blasts luckily missed us.

We all brought our blasters up, taking any shot we could against Gideon. Nothing was hitting or making any damage. Even Cara's large gun was useless against the tie fighter. The last of Moff's shots passed by us as he flew back into the air to circle around.

"He missed." Greef stated as he lowered his blaster.

"He wont next time." Din said as he kept his blaster up.

"Our blasters are useless against him." Cara added. She was right. With his fire power he was going to take us down quickly.

"Hey, lets make the baby do the magic hand thing." Greef said as he turned to the child sitting in the saddle bag on the floor of the boat. The rest of us turned to Greef in complete disbelief that he suggested it. He was unbeknownst of our stares, keeping his own on the child, "Come on baby. Do the magic hand thing." He waved his hand to the child, holding up three fingers and mimicking the movements.

To no surprise the child had no idea what Greef was doing. Thinking instead that he was simply waving at him. In response the child did the same.

"I'm out of ideas." Greef said defeatedly.

Din took a long breath. The two of us staring out into the distance. Waiting for Gideons ship to return from behind the mountains in the distance.

"Got anymore tricks?" Din asked simply.

I flicked my eyes over to him letting out my own sigh, "I can hold the ship, but only for a few seconds."

"That's all the time I need." He replied confidently. I watched as he turned, grabbing his jetpack off the ground. He held it behind him, the pack instantly fitting onto the beskar armor behind him. I took in a deep breath, staring up into the sky as Gideons ship circled back towards us.

With a press of a few buttons on his arm the jetpack on Din's back burst two flames out. I held my hand out beside me, ready for his call out as Gideon approached closer. When the ship was finally in the spot Din needed it I heard his voice call out.

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