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Cheers emerged from the crowd behind us as Mando and I stood in the trench. Everyone looking so happy and accomplished. Then I heard behind the cheers. All the whispers. I had just shown who I really was once again. This time I did it before I knew I could trust them. I only hopped that it wasn't a mistake.

Mando kept his arm around my waist as he supported me out of the trench. We stood together as the others looked at us. Just happy to be alive, and to have the village saved. Mando loosened his grip on me as we took a step forward. My knees immediately locking and my legs collapsing under me. My teeth began to chatter against each other as the wind blew the cold breeze past us. It would have been fine but since I was completely soaked it made everything feel like a winter freeze.

Mando quickly tucked his arm under my knees, lifting me up into his arms. My body way too exhausted to even walk. I felt myself begin to shiver. Only feeling everything get colder and colder around me. He moved quickly past the villagers as Omera followed behind him. Rushing me towards the hut.

Once we were inside Omera ran towards the fireplace. Throwing in a few logs before igniting them. My entire body shook as my head felt heavy. I couldn't tell if it was the complete exhaustion making me shake or the cold. Either way sitting by the fire didn't help one bit. Mando set me down by the fire as I felt my body tilt back and forth. Omera quickly moved in front of me. Taking off my cloak as Mando grabbed the bundle of blankets from the cots. She laid it out by the fire and turned back to me. Her hand reached towards my mask. Getting close to taking it off.

I instinctively grabbed her wrist before she could even touch it. My eyes glaring. "Don't." I said simply. She tilted her head as her brows furrowed.

"Its wet. You'll freeze if you don't take it off." She argued.

"It doesn't come off." I said in-between breaths. She let out a sigh and looked up at Mando. He nodded his head, letting her know it was okay. She looked back at me as I just stared forward. Hoping that maybe staring at the fire would trick my brain into feeling some warmth.

"Okay." She said quietly as she stood up, "I'll go boil some water. Bring it back later." She moved her way out of the hut. Disappearing into the night. Mando turned quickly. Wrapping the blankets around my body before kneeling in front of me. He tightened the edges around my shoulders as I reached up and grabbed them. He took a deep breath looking at me as I just continued to shake.

He moved back behind me quickly. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he sat down a pulled me close to his body. My body tensed up immediately as my heart began to pound. He pulled the blankets closer around me, thinking that I was just still cold. I took a deep breath as we sat in silence.

"Mando..." I called out to him. He tilted his head to the side as he let out a small hum in response, "Your armor is cold." I finished.

"Right. Sorry." he said as he pulled away. I kept my eyes forward as the sounds of belts detaching came from behind me. He walked to the edge of the room as he took off the metal pieces. I turned my head to the side seeing him only in the dark brown clothing he wore under the pieces. I turned my head back to the fire as a blush developed on my cheeks. He came back to his spot but before I felt his arms stretch back around me I heard a familiar hiss. I shifted my eyes down to the familiar metal of his helmet that was now placed on the floor.

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