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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Walking into the Imperial base was easy. She wanted me here. She took Devron to ensure I came here. Of course, getting in was easy. It was getting the two of us out before the bombs I planted on the main reactor in the middle of the base went off. That would be the difficult part. Forty-five minutes was all I had. Forty-five minutes to find Devron and get out. Letting the base blow and taking the Inquisitor down with it.

Standing in middle of the control room, with two bodies of Imperials knocked out in the corner of the room, I stared up the many screens in front of me. I reached up and removed the stormtrooper helmet that was covering my face. I couldn't tell if the sweat dripping down my face was because of the nerves or the armor itself was miserable to be in. I took a deep breath and walked back towards the men sleeping in the corner. Bending down and plucking the code cylinder from one of their breast pockets.

I placed the code cylinder into panel and stared back up towards the screens. Flipping through as much information I could find on Deveron and where he was. I scanned as fast as I could through pages of information flashing on the screen. My eyes locked onto a certain map that was hidden within the files. Quickly locking in that information before going back. Looking specifically for who they captured and where they were held. Finally, I found the familiar name. Devron Delstra. Cell three-seven-four.

My eyes narrowed as I studied the map quickly finding where he was adjacent to where I was. I quickly grabbed the code cylinder and placed the stormtrooper helmet back over my head. Taking one deep breath to calm my nerves. Forty minutes.

My hand continually brushed the lightsaber hidden within my pack as I counted every second I walked through the base. Keeping my sights on the hallway just up ahead where Devron was held. I stopped right in front of the doors. Grabbing the code cylinder back out and placing it into the panel beside the door. Though I was counting the seconds it felt like minutes were passing as I waited for the doors to open. Panic and anticipation taking over. Once the doors finally opened my heart sank to my stomach.

Devron laid in a chair in the middle of the room. His arms and legs strapped down so he couldn't escape. His lip was swollen and bloody, and bruising scatter down his arms. It took everything in me to suppress the rage that was building in my veins.

I rushed to his chair and placed my hand lightly onto his shoulder. The small touch jolted him awake. His eyes shot open, and his pupils dilated as he took heavy panic breaths. He tried his best to squirm away from me, despite the restraints keeping him in place.

I pulled my hand away quickly and retreated slightly. As if that was going to settle his panic. His eyes stayed locked onto mine as I tried to speak through the terror he was slowly loosing himself in. "Hey hold on. Calm down." I said softly before reaching for my helmet. Pulling it off quickly.

I didn't think Devron's eyes could widen anymore than they already have, but I watched as they did. A sharp breath being taken in as his head fell back onto the seat. "Amara?" He called out softly. As if my presence was an illusion. I gave him a weak smile and placed my hand on his face. Doing the only thing I could think of to comfort him and prove that I was real.

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