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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I told Din I wanted to return Devron to Tatooine. Give him the proper burial that I didn't do before. Din didn't argue one bit on the matter. Carrying his body back to the ship as I held tightly to the child.

We found Kuiil when we got back to the ship. The stormtroopers had gotten to him just before he made it on to the Razor Crest. Din laid Devron inside and did the only thing he could do for our fallen friend. He buried his body and made a small memorial for him by stacking a few rocks on top of each other. He placed Kuiil's hat onto the last rock stacked above the others.

We stood silently as we stared down where we laid our friend to rest. Both of us just silently giving our last respects to Kuiil. Knowing that if it wasn't for him or IG we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did on this treacherous job.

Once we were back on the ship we said nothing to each other. I stayed by Devron's side the entire time, holding tightly to his hand. Thinking of all the ways I could've done differently. Questioning if I did would we still have ended up here. I knew not to dwell on it too long. I was at least happy to see Devron's true innocents one last time.

The ship landed in the bay and right outside Peli was already waiting for us. Smiling brightly as the door opened. The first thing she did was grab the child. Holding him, and smiling softly as she stroked one of his long ears.

She looked up at me, her eyes widening as they scanned across my face for the first time. "Well would you look at that!" She said excitedly.

We explained everything that had happened and she was more then accommodating. Lending us a small transport and a few items to help for cremation. We loaded it all up and left immediately after Din handed her some credits. Asking to fix the ship up a bit and watch the child while we were gone.

We made it to my old home within the hour. The sun beginning to set as we built the small pyre behind the remains of my family home. Mando listened to every demand I had to ensure this stayed as close to a proper burial for a Jedi as possible. He never once let out a single complaint.

The two suns fell behind the horizon and the stars eliminated the night sky above us. Din placed Devron onto the bundle of wood we tied together. When he walked away I reached to my hip, grabbing the last thing that was missing. His lightsaber. I placed it in his hands that were closed together across his chest. I took in a deep breath and reached for his face. Brushing a curl away from his forehead and placing a soft kiss against it.

When we lit the pyre, Din and I stood together silently. Neither of us saying a word once again. My eyes followed the small embers as they shot up into the night sky, blending in and looking like small stars.

I didn't cry, and I didn't feel angry. Not one bit. Devron's simple thank you sitting with me instead. Knowing that he was grateful for finally apologizing for everything I had done wrong. Finally releasing him from the dark side.

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