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We had made it back to the razor crest before nightfall. I sat quietly in the cockpit as Mando stayed outside to run maintenance on a few parts. Giving myself some time alone to eat. He allowed me to take some food home, making me happy to not having eat the random rations he kept in here. I watched as the night crept over the forest, making our surroundings completely black.

I brought my mask back up as I made my way out of the ship. Looking out to see Mando fixing a few parts outside as the child watched intensely. "I'm done eating. There's some broth left over if you want it." I said as I walked up beside him. He didn't stop any of his movements.

"I'm fine. Go rest if you need it. We'll leave first thing tomorrow." He as he moved a few wires around under the metal plate he was standing under. I walked over and tilted my head past his shoulder. Looking at what he was doing.

"You need to connect the wire there." I said as I pointed to the parts. Mando turned looking surprised. I smiled under my mask, excited to see his reaction when he did what I was told. He listened to me and placed the wire in its correct spot. The lights on the front of the ship began to flicker a bit before turning on completely.

I smiled as he turned to me. Tilting his helmet. I could tell he was questioning how I knew that, "I know more then you think I do, Mandalorian." I said cockily. Mando chuckled nodding his head. He paused for a second, looking passed me towards the forest behind me.

"Someone coming." He said. He quickly reached down and grabbed the edge of my hood. Pulling it up over my head to help cover me. A small action, but it was enough to make my heart flutter. I turned around to see a small cart floating towards the ship. I watched as two mean stepped out of it, walking towards the two of us.

"Excuse me. Excuse me sir." They said as they walked towards the Mandalorian. I looked over at the two as they approached slowly. Almost afraid to get too close. They turned to me as I just stared. I could sense their fear growing in them as I did.

"Stop that." Mando spoke up behind me, returning to fixing his ship.

"Fine. They're all yours." I said playfully. I turned away and made my way back to the ship. Staying close by to over hear the conversation. The two men explained to him that their village needed help with a case of raiders. I could tell Mando wasn't interested one bit. I part of me wanted to help them though. Knowing what it was like to see a small village struggle. I watched as he denied them over and over, making his way back onto the ship. Then they said the one thing that interested Mando. The fact that they lived in the middle of nowhere. In other words, a safe place for the child.

"You have lodging?' He asked the two men. I stood behind him. Knowing full well what he was getting at.

"Yeah absolutely.' The man responded. Mando turned to me. Looking at me as if asking for my permission. I nodded my head. Agreeing with his idea. I mean how bad could a couple of raiders be? The two men began to help us carry our stuff. I watched closely as they carried a case full of my left over weapons.

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