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Extra chapter just to make up for delays. Enjoy!


An alarm blaring through the ship pulls me out of the deep slumber I had fallen into. I quickly sat up in my bed, feeling the other side empty. I assume Din had woken up before me like usual and went to the kid. The child probably being the one causing the alarm to go off.

I let out a deep sigh as the alarm continued to ring. Swinging my legs over the bed and taking a deep breath as I slowly began to fully wake up. I quickly grabbed my things and walked out into the hallway. The alarm finally shut off as I opened the door to the cockpit.

"Yes, I'm pre-empire surplus. I'm not required to run a beacon." I heard Din say as the door opened in front of me. I took a sharp breath as I heard a male voice on the other end of the transmission. Catching the sight of the two familiar X-Wings surrounding each side of the Razorcrest.

"That was before. This sector is under New Republic jurisdiction. All craft are required to run a beacon." The man said.

This was bad. Din quickly muted his transmission and turned to me. Noticing the panic on my face. He tapped on his helmet a few times, suggesting I put mine on as well. I didn't take a second to think about it. Turning on my heels and quickly going back into my room.

I rummaged through my stuff, grabbing my cloak and mask quickly. Shoving them on as fast as I could. As I walked back out, I could hear the s-foils on the X-Wings change position. Knowing well enough, they were ready to attack.

"Was your craft in proximity of New Republic Correction transport, Bontha-five?" I overheard the man ask.


Before I could make it back to the door the ship flew forward and plunged towards the closest planet. My body flew back as Din drove erratically. Trying his best to lose the Republic ships following behind. I grabbed on to every little thing I could, guiding myself back to the cockpit and into my seat. Falling many times along the way.

"Din if they catch us, 00I'll be arrested for desertion!" I yelled as I buckled myself into the seat.

"I'm trying my best!" He argued back as he guided the ship through the coverage of clouds surrounding us. Din pulled on the levers in front of him. Forcing the ships to come to a short sudden stop, before making it plummet into a free fall. I felt my body pull up out of the seat as the frog lady beside out screeched in fear. I held my breath as the clouds disappeared quickly, revealing a planet blanketed in white snow.

Din pushed against the levers once more, steadying the ship and guiding it straight through the frozen canyon ahead. Though he was thinking quickly, the Republic were still close behind.

"Come on Razor Crest. Don't make us do it." The man said as Din did his best to avoid the ridges surrounding us in the tight space. Din said nothing as the Canyon came to an end. Giving us a small entrance into a cave to escape in to. Din grunted as he turned the lever to fly in. The side of the ship hitting the icy wall beside us.

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