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Din moved the ship around the tall mountainous range within the planet Tython. We stared out into the greenery, checking for anything resembling an old temple. When we passed by one of the many tall mountains we could see a weird structure. Five tall pillard rocks surrounded a circular platform in the middle. Seemed like something out of place but just the look of it seemed to share the old remnants of the Jedi temples my father would tell me about.

"Looks like that's the magic rock I'm supposed to take Gorgu to." Din said. He circled the Razor Crest around the mountain. Looking for a decent patch of flat to land the ship on. Of course with the temple being on the top of the mountain there was no place for us to land safely. I'm sure was done purposely long ago when the building still stood.

"Sorry buddy." He said to Grogu, "I can't land on the top. Too small. Looks like we're gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down."

A bright smile grew on my face immediately.

When Din travels us around with his jet pack, its what I could only imagine is like flying an X-Wing with the windows down. If I could put the windows down at least. Boats I could always skip, but the jet pack I would never complain about. I held tightly to the child as Din carried me in his arms. His own hands holding tight. The two of us fearing if one of us loosening up just a bit it would cause me or the child to fall.

"Does it look Jedi to you?" Din asked me after landing on a rocky platform. I stared up at the large formations surround us. The stone in the middle had some fading symbols carved into them from long ago. What they said however I had no clue.

"It certainly feels Jedi." I said, feeling a strong sense of the Force surrounding us. The stone itself radiating power, almost calling out to me as well. I took a deep breath as Din and I looked at each other. I shifted my head towards the stone, motioning for Din to take the kid towards it.

"I guess you sit right here." Din said as he place Grogu onto the stone. He retreated back next to me and we both stared for a second. I began to feel like all this was a bit anticlimactic. I didn't know what I was supposed to expect but absolutely nothing was happening. Instead all we got was Grogu's large black eyes staring back at us in confusion.

"This is the seeing stone, are you seeing anything?" Din asked Grogu, who just coo'd in response, "Or are they supposed to see you?" Din pressed his finger onto his helmet and began to pace around. "Is there some kind of control or something?" Din asked as he turned towards me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a disappointed look, "Sure, I'm the Force user so I know everything about the Jedi." I let out a deep breath before shaking my head. My eyes trailed back over the carvings in the round stone. Trying my best to make out where I had seen symbols like this before. Before I could falter to far into forgotten memories, a low hum of a ship's engines catches our attention.

Din and I stared up into the deep blue sky. Watching a ship enter the atmosphere. My brows furrowed at the odd and unrecognizable ship. Watching as it flew past us. Din and I quickly moved towards the edge of the cliff. Our eyes following it as it disappeared into the trees below. My focus was pulled away once more, feeling the Force surround us greatly.

I quickly turned and noticed Gorgu. He sat calmly on the stone, his eyes close as a blue haze surrounded him. The symbols etched into the stone now glowing, creating the blue shield. I took a few steps closer, the symbols though still faded, now with the glowing light, made it a little more legible

"Time's up, Kid. We gotta get out of here." Din said breaking me away from the symbols. He paused beside me, now seeing what I was seeing. Both of us stood in awe, unsure what to do next. Din moved forward quickly, "We don't have time for this." He said as he made his was towards the Force field.

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