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I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as the memory faded and we returned to the desert surroundings. I closed my eyes tightly as I cried silently. For so many years I felt the guilt of leaving them that day. Only to return when it was too late. Wishing I could hear my parents say they loved me one last time. Now I finally had.

I never understood why he acted the way he did for so long. Keeping my brother and I hidden. Making it seem that his past was a path we never wanted to follow. Only now did I realize everything he did, the stories he told to instill fear, the warnings, all of it was for us.

I heard Obi-Wan step beside me as I sucked in a breath. Stopping myself from crying anymore then I already had. I quickly wiped the tears away and looked up at him. He smiled softly as he placed his hand on my shoulder in comfort.

"Everything your father did was because he loved you and wanted to protect you." Obi-Wan said. He retreated his hand away and tucked them back into the sleeves in front of him. "The Jedi teachings warned that everything you experienced would lead you to the dark side, but here you are now...far from it."

I furrowed my brows as he continued, "And not just the love you held for your family." Obi-Wan brought his hand forward once more. I turned to follow it as the desert in front of us disappeared once more. Memories flashed in front of us. The day Cara and I first met, Karmat and I standing outside the hut and watching the people of the village worked, the children running around me laughing and smiling, everyone I had met from then on and connected with.

The memories flashed away before landing back into the now burned down cantina I had passed out in. Din kneeled on the ground, his helmet back over his face, and my body lying in his arms. I watched as he leaned forward, placing the crown of his helmet against my forehead. I felt my heart begin to warm watching him as he pulled away slowly, brushing a few strands away from my face.

"You've been torn when it comes to him." Obi-Wan said as he watched as well. I shifted my eyes away, not wanting to admit anything. Fear if I finally spoke the love I had for Din loudly everything I feared would come true.

Obi-wan noticed my hesitation and a smile crept on his face, "Even I fell in love."

"Was that who Satine was?" I asked quietly.

Obi-wan nodded his head slowly. Though he held a soft smile, his eyes spoke a different story. Holding nothing but regret and pain within them. "She was a Mandalorian as well."

"What happened to her?" I asked quietly.

Obi-Wan let out a deep breath, "She was murdered by an old adversary of mine."

That was what I was afraid of. I felt myself tense as I watched Din pick me up into his arms. Seeing how careful and gentle he was being. If that was the case for Satine then what of Din? If I didn't walk away from all this when I was done, then was I risking his life as well as mine? I sucked in a breath as Din and IG disappeared into the vent. The scene fading slowly as they did.

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