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When Cara came to the room, I expected her to ask about what was going on between Mando and I. However, she took one look at me and just sighed. Sitting down next to me, seeing how spaced out and closed off I was. Instead, I just sat there and listened as she talked about what she had been up to since we left. Leaving me just to respond with empty words. Not even focused on what she was saying.

When we arrived on a moisture farm on Arvala-7 I questioned why we were here. That was until we all stepped out of the ship. Seeing the small Ugnaught already waiting for us as the sun began to set. Remembering Mando talk about Kuiil, and how he helped Mando when he first took the child.

We were immediately welcomed. Entering his small hut, we all circled around. Watching as Kuiil looked closely at the child. The child reaching up to him as if he wanted to be picked up.

"It hasn't grown much." Kuiil said as he turned to the three of us.

"I think it might be a Strand-Cast." Mando responded.

"He's not a Strand-Cast." I replied quickly. I never realized how little we discussed of the child. Mando barely understanding what the child was. Then I didn't help much with not discussing it as much. Mando turned his head to me slowly, as if giving a glare to my short remark.

"She's right. I don't think it was engineered. I've worked in the gene farms. This one looks evolved. Too ugly." Kuiil answered. He pointed to Cara, "This one, on the other hand, looks like she was farmed in the cytocaves of Nora."

"This is Cara Dune. She was a shock trooper." Mando said as he turned to her. Cara just gave Kuiil a small smile and a nod. Turning her sights back to the child. Kuiil turned to me, his eyes narrowing for a second.

"You stay hidden. Like your friend next to you." He said referencing my cloak and mask.

"This is Sirra. She's been traveling with me since I first took the child." Mando responded.

I tilted my head down respectfully as Kuiil just stared. As if searching for more information on me. He hummed in response as he turned to Mando, "A trustworthy companion she must be. To be able to travel with the Mandalorian."

I scoffed and shook my head. Feeling my jaw clench tightly, "Until this is over apparently." I said under my breath. Kuiil furrowed his large brows as he looked at Mando, who just shook his head in response.

Kuiil nodded his head. Turning to Cara as she looked down. Her lips tightening as the tension rose once more. Kuiil's stare fell onto Cara's tattoo. Seeing the blocked line circling around her arm.

"You were a dropper." He said to her.

Cara looked down at her tattoo. A look of surprise that Kuiil recognized it, "Did you serve?"

"On the other side, I'm afraid. But I'm proud to say that I paid out my clan's debt, and now I serve no one but myself." He responded.

He finished his sentence as the sound of metal clanking came from the doorway. I turned my head seeing the legs of a droid walk up. When it bent is head down to walk through both Mando, Cara, and I drew out blasters. Recognizing that the droid was and IG unit.

The droid walked up to us slowly. Holding a tray with a pot and four small cups on it. Its head turned sharply as it looked at each of us.

"Would anyone care for some tea?" It asked.

Kuiil turned to us. Lifting his small hand up in defense, "Please lower your blasters. He will not harm you."

None of us listened. Keeping our sights and blaster on the droid. "That thing is programmed to kill the baby." Mando said.

"Not anymore." Kuiil responded. He explained to us how he found it after Mando escaped with the child. Telling us how he reconstructed it and reprogrammed it to be a nurse droid rather than a hunter. Having to relearn everything from scratch.

I watched as the droid slowly brought the tray down on to the table. It began to poor some tea into a cup, before bringing its hand forward, "Tea?" It asked me. I raised my eyebrows up as my blaster went back into its holster. It was impressive what Kuiil did. I grabbed the cup, tilting my head down as a thanks. I turned to Mando seeing that he still had the blaster down. I walked up to him, stepping in-between the droid and him.

"It offered tea. Lower the blaster." I said quietly to him as we both looked at the droid. I turned around looking over at Kuiil. "If you'll excuse me." I said as I walked out of the hut.

I sat on the bridge of the ship, staring out into the sunset as I enjoyed the tea. When it was finished, I laid back, just thinking to myself. How the hell did we get to this point? Short answers, and almost zero interaction.

"You both are being stubborn, you know?" I hear Cara say as she walked up to me. I let out a sigh as I sat up. Her eyes giving me a disappointed glare. I turned to see Mando and Kuiil talking as he fed his blurrgs.

"He made his decision." I said quietly. Cara let out a small sigh, taking a seat next to me. I kept my sights on Mando as he stood tall next to Kuiil. Immediately the thought of the Sith came to me. The words of letting all the consume me. Letting myself fall. Fulfilling my destiny.

That was what was holding me back. Since the day we landed on Slargon. I made sure to keep my distance. Unsure if what he was saying was the truth. If Devron was able to fall so easily what was stopping me?

"It's for the best." I finally said.

Cara shook her head, "For him or for you?"

"It was a wakeup call, Cara." I answered for her, "I should've learned my lesson back then. After that day, everything my parents taught me; I swore to do the opposite. Then I met him, and I immediately fell back into those old ways." I said quietly. "It's not safe, for either of us."

"When are you going to stop using what happened with Dev as an excuse?" Cara asked. Her voice quiet yet demanding. She turned to me, tilting her head forward so I was forced to look at her.

"It's not just what happened to Devron holding you back." She said quietly. "You still blame yourself for his death." She searched my face for the answer, knowing me well enough to know. I shifted my eyes away, trying my best not to be an open book. Cara let out a deep sigh, leaning forward against her knee.

"It's not your fault Amara. He chose to go with them. He chose to fight. You can't keep blaming yourself for that day. Its only going to disgrace his sacrifice." She said quietly.

I closed my eyes trying my best to hold back the tears. I took a deep breath, as the memories tried to flood their way back in. That gate within me I had kept shut for so long slowly beginning to crumble. With another deep breath the lock stayed intact, and I opened my eyes back up. Suppressing whatever feelings that were trying to force their way out.

"Look I know less than he does when it comes to Jedi's and the rules." She said simply, "One thing stands clear. You've gone through love and loss. More than most people have. Yet here you are, ready to stand with the man who rejected you to protect a child. If you wanted to walk down that path, you would've already."

She gave my shoulder a tight reassuring grip before getting up and walking away. Leaving me to sit on my thoughts. I watched as she walked up to Mando and Kuiil, just watching Mando as he talked with them. I couldn't help but feel like she was right.

Mando turned and stared at me. For a second the world shut down around us and it felt like it was just us. As much as I wanted to deny it I couldn't. I loved him. More than he would ever understand. Everything rule I broke was because of that love. Despite the challenges that would come with that, I couldn't stop myself from feeling that way.

I wouldn't admit it though. Instead, I got up and turned away. Hiding it just as I was hiding myself back on the Razorcrest. 

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